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Last Login: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:50:56 AM
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I just bought FSFS by PayPal, but instant download - I didnt get any link or registration codes (either in my junk) - so what should I do now?
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lsv (6/29/2008) Hi..
I just bought FSFS by PayPal, but instant download - I didnt get any link or registration codes (either in my junk) - so what should I do now?
Hi lsv
I bought FSFlyingSchool about a month ago, and it´s really really great. But here´s the deal. You just download the demo, currently v. 1.92 right here on the FSFS site. (the demo is in fact the program itself) and the reg. codes will be emailed to you within 24 hours. Until then, you should read the manual and fly within the demo area. The restriction of geography will be eliminated when you enter the reg codes.
Lots of fun
Ole Andreasen
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:50:56 AM
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Ohh.. Okay, I already testet it, and also with Cargo Pilot, and it looks like it works perfectly together - I just didnt know I should recieve another email with some reg info
Det er jo lidt svært at flyve fra Chicago til København
Greets from Denmark
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Welcome lsv! As Ole says - the key will be with you within 24 hours of the purchase - I will also check to make sure you get it. Ole's advice on reading the manual is very good too. Please take the time to do so - it will make your enjoyment of the product so much more. Let us know how you get on with your flights. Glad to have you in the squadron!
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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lsv (6/29/2008)
Ohh.. Okay, I already testet it, and also with Cargo Pilot, and it looks like it works perfectly together - I just didnt know I should recieve another email with some reg info Det er jo lidt svært at flyve fra Chicago til København Greets from Denmark Allow me to address a fellow Dane in our native tounge. Hej lsv. Er det en forkortelse for dit navn? Dejligt at se andre danskere her hos FSFS. Det er et fedt program. Bare vent til du får koden, så du kan flyve i DK. Hvor i Danmark bor du? flyver du FS9 eller FSX? Hílsen Ole Andreasen, Skælskør - FS9 og FSX
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:50:56 AM
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oleandreasen (6/30/2008)
Allow me to address a fellow Dane in our native tounge.
Hej lsv. Er det en forkortelse for dit navn? Dejligt at se andre danskere her hos FSFS. Det er et fedt program. Bare vent til du får koden, så du kan flyve i DK. Hvor i Danmark bor du? flyver du FS9 eller FSX?
Hílsen Ole Andreasen, Skælskør - FS9 og FSX
Hej Ole...
Nej, LsV er ikke noget af mit navn, det var mit første program jeg programmerede som 6-7 årig, som gav mig 3 forskellige bogstaver, så det blev til LsV, så det har jeg kaldt mig lige siden :-)
Jeg glæder mig også rigtig meget til jeg kommer hjem, for jeg kan se at min kode er dumpet ind i min mailbox - har prøvet demoen og det var fortrinligt, dog har jeg måske nogle forbedringer, men dem får du på engelsk
Jeg var dansker indtil for 1 år siden, da jeg så flyttede til Malmø, så nu står den på bro tur hver eneste dag
Jeg flyver rundt med FSX, da jeg synes at jeg havde nogle problemer med FS9 på Vista, så jeg fandt FSX frem, heldigvis har jeg lige fået købt mig en ny computer, så FSX kører ganske strygende, og har egentlig ikke oplevet problemer overhovedet med FSX.
Hvis der skulle sidde en på EKCH Ground på VATSIM, så er det nok mig - stille og roligt område indtil man nu lige lærer alle ATC kommandoer osv hehe
I have just recieved my reg code today, so thank you - Know Ill try some short flightplans with my 747-400 and see if I can make less harm to my gears - 747-400 are pretty hard to land on visual approach
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Great. I will continue this in English, so everybody can follow us.
Don´t hesitate to write if you have Q´s or suggestions, (Squadronleader replies to everything very fast, and seem to know everything) or just have an urge to chat, with fellow FSFS simmers.
You are ATC? That´s a feture in FSX I have yet to try out. I am kind of an off-line pilot, but maybe I should give online flying a try sometime...
If you would tell me about ATC sometime, please email me - or just put it here in the forum, so everybody can benefit from it.
Fun flying
Ole Andreasen, Denmark