FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Friday, May 01, 2020 1:15:34 AM
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Hi all,
Despite doing what I would consider acceptable taxiing, I always get the "Dangerous taxiing turns" in my analysis. I literally can't do a flight without this appearing. Is there a way to disable this reporting or is it possible to amend the sensitivity - I can't see any entries in the settings or FSR/FSU files to turn this reporting off?
If there isn't such an option at the moment could this be added as a future request please?
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Hi D:
Thanks for mentioning this - feedback is essential for us to improve our products!
There is no function to turn this off or adjust it in FSFlyingSchool, but this is something (being able to adjust parameters) that some users have asked about.
FSFlyingSchool evaluates hundreds of values of course so it would be a major addition to the software to allow the user to control them all. And if not all - which ones?
Then there is the issue of the relevance of scoring if the user can turn some or all of them off.
These are certainly interesting issues though as we can see they also have far reaching effects.
I will add to the list of future requests! 
I wonder - are you noticing it in all the planes you fly or just some? (I wonder if there is something about the data we are getting from some planes which is unusual compared to others).
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Friday, May 01, 2020 1:15:34 AM
Posts: 9,
Visits: 32
Thanks for the feedback. I have only done 7 flights, 4 in the 172 and 3 in the Twin Otter. I actually only had the taxi turns message in 4 of those 7 flights (both planes), but the one's that didn't report it were really short taxi trips as my parking spot had the runway entrance direct ahead so I didn't really need to turn at all !!! I will continue to monitor and report back.
I think part of the issue is I don't have peddles and controlling the taxi with a joystick does occasionally produce a "flick of the wrist" event. I wonder if a "count" of the number of times the system reports "dangerous taxi" and have some form of threshold before reporting? Just an idea.