FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Saturday, June 01, 2019 3:27:37 AM
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Circuit Mode A few questions. I'm using the voice command pack, in the Airfoil labs 172
I'm on the runway, center line
set OBS NAV1 to runway heading
Say Circuit mode: I get start and land here. that seems ok
At 500 feet turn left, so far so good
at 1000, turn downwind. This is where stuff gets funky. I get the good turn to downwind
Then I as I approach the threshold and lower my flaps, I get cruise mode, don't fly with flaps, don't lose altitude while taking off. Turn off landing light. This seems to confuse the program. I have disable auto detection cruise.
Landing rating is never good, 26 percent, Zero Circuit score.
1. Is Circuit mode only one lap? or is it supposed to say, raise flaps, and let take off again and practice?
2. I fly in VR, but I don't think that should matter? does it
3. any way to make the program even smarter.....maybe a just focused on the Circuits somehow. Thinking more of a lap by lap set of instruction
4. does the program work better if I select a bigger airport with an ILS
5. This is a really cool program!! Thanks
Squawking1200 piloting Cessna 172 ended Friday, March 29, 2019 at 07:38
Flight plan: NAV1: ---
Flight Duration:00 Hours 05 Mins 15 Secs
Landing Score:26.30
Landing was successful in the following areas:
* Gentle touchdown. [138 FPM]
* Good landing speed - not too fast. [56 KIAS]
* Good pitch control after touchdown.
* Good pitch at landing.
* With flaps - good job.
* Heading aligned with runway.
* Throttle(s) idle.
* Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Landing included the following problems:
* No glideslope information was available on visual approach.
* No runway alignment information was available on visual approach.
* Landed without a proper approach OR off runway surface.
* No glideslope - could not compare flare to glideslope.
* Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.
Definite room for improvement...
Circuit Score:0.00
Circuit included the following:
* Good Upwind heading.
* Good Upwind altitude.
* Good turn onto Crosswind leg.
* Good Crosswind heading.
* Good Crosswind altitude.
* Late turn onto Downwind leg - turn Downwind on reaching 1000 feet AAL.
* Good Downwind heading.
* Poor Downwind altitude - maintain 1000 feet AAL.
* Late turn onto Base - turn when circuit reference point is 45 degrees behind you.
* Good Base heading.
* Good Base altitude.
* Late on Final - get onto final sooner next time.
* Banking not too steep.
* Nice handling of that crosswind - tricky during a circuit.
* Landing distance from Circuit reference point:12 feet.
Definite room for improvement...
Circuit Score reset to zero due to poor Landing Score (under 50 points).
Flight Score:86.31
Flight commended in the following areas:
* Smooth turns.
* Nice banking.
* Comfortable G forces.
* Smooth pitch control.
* Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
* Gentle taxi turns.
* Good take off steering.
* Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
* Safe taxi speed.
* Smooth braking during taxi.
* Wings level near ground.
* Well coordinated turns.
* No stalls.
* No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
* Smooth comfortable descent rate.
* Pitch not too high.
* Pitch not too low.
* Flaps down on time.
* Approach speed not too fast.
* Low altitude speeds not too fast.
* Good clearance of obstacles.
Flight included the following problems:
* Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
* Late rotation - when Vr is reached - take off.
* Loss of altitude during takeoff - climb smoothly.
Definite room for improvement...
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Last Login: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 3:02:52 AM
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Rest assured that folks have been flying with circuit mode for 13 years - it works - but there are a number of things that need to be done exactly correctly or the pilot will not get the best results.
If the instructor tells you not to lower flaps in cruise mode, it is because you are in cruise mode - landing mode has not been indicated to the instructor by pressing Ctrl Shift Z.
"Don't lose altitude during take off" means the flight mode has been backed up to take off - this can be done by pressing Ctrl Shift X but it is not what you should do when landing.
The circuit mode expects the pilot to fly a route based on that shown in the diagram in the manual.
I cannot recall any other VR pilot reporting anything specifically related to circuit mode causing a problem with FSFlyingSchool - so the data indicates that VR is not a problem.
You can use it at any airport and you can use ILS if you wish, but if you are NOT using ILS you need to make sure that NAV1 is not tuned to any NAVAID.
Remember that as explained in the manual you need to be in landing mode AND pointed down the runway when you descend through 500 feet AGL if you are flying an approach without ILS or the instructor does not know where you intend to land. This is an essential procedure to understand for all of FSFlyingSchool - not just circuit mode.
The log book indicates that the instructor did not know where you planned to land so this indicates that the above was not done on this flight.
Have a great weekend of flights!
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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