FSFlyingSchool PPL
Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:00:18 AM
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Im running fsflyingschool 5.3 and i'm trying to get some aircraft to work..
Before messing with fsr / fsu files.. i went to the aircraft folder for fsflyingschool and noticed there were no files.. is this normal?
I tried creating an fsu file for the Carenado PC-12 aircraft (xp folder name is "Carenado PC 12", though when you click connect it references the aircraft id number N3486)..
It fails to find the file.
However, my old fsu file for the vflyteair sr22 is working with strictly the folder name.
I also tried an fsr file from this thread (though very old, 2006), i just assumed the data should still work.. no luck there either..
What am I missing here.
Thanks in advance
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FSFlyingSchool PPL
Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:00:18 AM
Posts: 18,
Visits: 32
I went ahead and upgraded to 2018..
The aircraft folder does have a bunch of files now...
However, the same problem persists.. with one exception..
I took the fsr file from the forum post from 2016 and if i rename it xpN3486.fsr it then connects.. naming it xpCarenado PC12.fsr or xpCarenado PC12 N3486.fsr doesnt work (putting underscores doesnt help either)..
So for now, at least with this livery of the PC12 it is working with the xpN3486.fsr file at least.. is there a newer forum post with newer fsr files?
EDIT: another livery for example, same aircraft requires this name unlike the last one: xpCarenado PC12 HB-FCL.fsr
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FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi theskyisthelimit99:
Unfortunately some aircraft data, passed from the published plane to X-Plane and on to FSFlyingSchool, requires that the user create a file which is based on the specific livery of the plane rather than the folder name.
These are exceptions - they are not generally the case.
The name of the plane that FSFlyingSchool is reading is always shown at the Log Book screen of FSFlyingSchool when it disconnects because:
(a) It does not automatically support the plane
(b) There is no additional .FSU file for the plane
If the pilot then makes an .FSU file with that name with the prefix "xp" and saves the file to the FSFlyingSchool aircraft folder - the aircraft will be supported next time the pilot presses 'connect' in FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10.
FSFlyingSchool disconnects and says it does not support SopwithCamelN9209JGreen
then the user needs to create the file
and fill it with the data required for the plane as described in the FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 manual (this takes about 2 or 3 minutes)
and place it into the FSFlyingSchool aircraft folder.
>> is there a newer forum post with newer fsr files?
The newest files for FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 are all installed on the PC when it is installed.
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