Problem for creating fsu file

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Problem for creating fsu file Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, February 15, 2018 2:05:12 AM
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In order to use an aircraft not yet supported (PA28-161 Warrior) I followed the instructions of the manual. After having modified and renamed the xpYourPlaneFileNameHere.fsu it was not possible to save it in the corresponding folder of FSFS. What can I do ?

I noticed also that the panel Aircraft does not contain boxes relative to User Specified Data as it is the case for FSX and P3D. Why ?
Thank you for explanations
Best regards
Post #13243
Posted Friday, February 16, 2018 7:01:50 AM

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Glad to help!

>> In order to use an aircraft not yet supported (PA28-161 Warrior) I followed the instructions of the manual. After having modified and renamed the xpYourPlaneFileNameHere.fsu it was not possible to save it in the corresponding folder of FSFS. What can I do ?

Why was it not possible? What occurred?

>> I noticed also that the panel Aircraft does not contain boxes relative to User Specified Data as it is the case for FSX and P3D. Why ?

There are many features in the FSX and P3D versions of FSFlyingSchool which are not part of the X-Plane version. We have been publishing for FSX far longer than for X-Plane and are always working on bringing the FSX features into the X-Plane version of FSFlyingSchool. As new features become available they are announced here and in our emails.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #13245
Posted Friday, February 16, 2018 11:19:17 AM
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I understand your answer but the fact that the feature was not yet implemented should have been indicated somewhere. Reading the official manual gave me the impression it was OK. i hope the feature will be added soon as an free update.
Thank you very much for helping.
Best regards
Post #13249
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2018 12:43:02 AM

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Hi gerodcray:

I think I need to clarify the situation - for all readers.

You can certainly add support for as many planes as you wish to FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10.

The difference is that in the FSX and P3D versions, there is a section at the aircraft screen which allows you to do this, whereas in the X-Plane version, the pilot must create a very simple text file, for which we supply an example to be copied. The pilot needs to provide a handful of simple values, save them in the file... and that is all.

We plan to add the section at the aircraft screen which allows pilots to do this to the X-Plane version.

>> the fact that the feature was not yet implemented should have been indicated somewhere.

FSFlyingSchool for FSX has many features which are not in the X-Plane version - as you can imagine we do not provide lists of features which are in some of our products but not in our other products.

All our products have free demo versions which have no time limit and come with as many as 18 manuals, so that the pilot can be completely certain that the product does what the pilot wants and functions exactly as the pilot would want, on a specific PC.


>> In order to use an aircraft not yet supported (PA28-161 Warrior) I followed the instructions of the manual. After having modified and renamed the xpYourPlaneFileNameHere.fsu it was not possible to save it in the corresponding folder of FSFS. What can I do ?

Why was it not possible? What occurred?

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Post #13253
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2018 1:32:25 AM
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It is not a problem for me to create a fsu file outside FSFS. The problem is that I am not allowed to save it in the appropriate folder. Please indicate me how to do (sorry if it seems evident for most people).
Thank you very much
Best regards
Post #13255
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:36:28 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi gerodcray:

The most common reason for this is that the file is being saved by a user who is not logged into Windows as an administrator.

So make sure you are logged in as an administrator first.

Once this is done, if you still cannot save the file, try saving it to a different folder first (such as your general documents folder) and then copying it into the FSFlyingSchool folder.

Please let me know how you get on.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Post #13256
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2018 3:52:27 AM
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It is OK now. In fact not the first time I ran FSFS with this new plane because the name of the fsu file must be completed with ' VHBVM', detail which was not in the manual. I have not understood why it was not working before as I am always logged as administrator. Anyway thank you very much.
Best regards
Post #13257
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