FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:40:47 PM
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Squadron Leader,
Landings are one of my most difficult challenges in X-Plane. One of my primary uses of FSFS is approach, landing, and circuit practice (not ready to get my circuits graded yet!).
The 2 things most often called out by Mr. Smith are Lost Glideslope before flared and steering after landing. The problem I'm having is I don't have a point of reference for my scores and numbers (FPM, Airspeed, etc.) You say max score for localizer/glideslope is 20 for example ("...20 points to your final landing score, because your performance on the
glideslope and localizer is only part of what makes a good landing."). I don't know what the other elements of the landing score are. I am assuming the maximum landing score is 100 with 20 pts max for localizer/glideslope but I don't know what the other 80 are for and what is keeping me from getting them.
My last landing tonight:
Landing Score:55.20
Landing was successful in the following areas:
• Good glideslope on ILS approach. [90%]
• Good alignment with runway on ILS approach. [90%]
• Gentle touchdown. [308 FPM]
• Good landing speed - not too fast. [54 KIAS]
• Wings were level.
• Landed on runway surface.
• Good pitch control after touchdown.
• Good pitch at landing.
• Heading aligned with runway.
• Throttle(s) idle.
• Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Landing included the following problems:• Glideslope lost before you flared - not your best effort.
• Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.
Definite room for improvement...
I think it would help us all if in the short run, you could provide the elements that make up the score and the ranges so we can better focus on problem areas. In the long run, perhaps the Instructor could give us a scorecard/report card showing the rated areas, range (0-20) and where our result falls on the 0 - 20 scale in each area. e.g. - is my 308 FPM landing a 10 out of 20, or a 5?
P.S. - I took advantage of the Memorial Day sale to upgrade to 2017. Look forward to the coming tweaks and any additional information you can provide on landing scores.
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:40:47 PM
Posts: 7,
Visits: 23
Mike check! Any guidance Jeff?
Dragon57 (6/9/2017) Squadron Leader,
Landings are one of my most difficult challenges in X-Plane. One of my primary uses of FSFS is approach, landing, and circuit practice (not ready to get my circuits graded yet!).
The 2 things most often called out by Mr. Smith are Lost Glideslope before flared and steering after landing. The problem I'm having is I don't have a point of reference for my scores and numbers (FPM, Airspeed, etc.) You say max score for localizer/glideslope is 20 for example ("...20 points to your final landing score, because your performance on the
glideslope and localizer is only part of what makes a good landing."). I don't know what the other elements of the landing score are. I am assuming the maximum landing score is 100 with 20 pts max for localizer/glideslope but I don't know what the other 80 are for and what is keeping me from getting them.
My last landing tonight:
Landing Score:55.20
Landing was successful in the following areas:
• Good glideslope on ILS approach. [90%]
• Good alignment with runway on ILS approach. [90%]
• Gentle touchdown. [308 FPM]
• Good landing speed - not too fast. [54 KIAS]
• Wings were level.
• Landed on runway surface.
• Good pitch control after touchdown.
• Good pitch at landing.
• Heading aligned with runway.
• Throttle(s) idle.
• Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Landing included the following problems:• Glideslope lost before you flared - not your best effort.
• Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.
Definite room for improvement...
I think it would help us all if in the short run, you could provide the elements that make up the score and the ranges so we can better focus on problem areas. In the long run, perhaps the Instructor could give us a scorecard/report card showing the rated areas, range (0-20) and where our result falls on the 0 - 20 scale in each area. e.g. - is my 308 FPM landing a 10 out of 20, or a 5?
P.S. - I took advantage of the Memorial Day sale to upgrade to 2017. Look forward to the coming tweaks and any additional information you can provide on landing scores.
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Dragon57:
Whoa - so sorry - I missed this one - here goes...
Thanks for your comments - I see what you mean and the manual could certainly be a lot more detailed in its description of the different elements of the landing, flight and circuit scores.
This is not in the manual at present as the different variables which make up the scores are complex and would make for very dull reading for most folks and so we concentrated on working in other areas which have received far more requests for our attention than this.
I'll mention right away that the scores are not based on a maximum of 100. They are meant to represent relative skill required to perform the operation and as such the scores which can be achieved will increase based on aircraft weight and speed, and on visibility and wind at the landing airfield. If autopilot is used the scores are reduced.
For example, an excellent landing in a c152 will produce a score much lower than an excellent landing in a b747.
We'll look at your ideas and see what we can do.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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