FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Thursday, May 25, 2017 10:32:09 AM
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I am a new and happy user of FSFlyingSchool 2017, gut I can't have the elevator and flaps check done in my Carenado C90B, the program doesn't detect it, no matter how hard I try. Aileron and rudder checks are fine. I already tried to calibrate the joystick again but no luck.
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Hi Peter:
Many thanks for your feedback - much appreciated. 
We have a list... (no kidding! ) and you can be sure this is on it.
We've been pretty conservative generally in detecting the motion of these controls as we don't want people reporting "He says 'elevator check complete' and I hardly touched it!", but... different publishers produce planes with different percentages of total control surface movement reported from the simulator to FSFlyingSchool and so, experience is showing, perhaps we need to be a little more generous with the instructor's detection that the control has been checked.
We hope to add this to the next incremental update of the 2017 program which will of course be free to those who already own it.
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:40:47 PM
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Glad to see you are already on the case. My Carenado CT206H is only failing the elevator check. All others are OK.