Sound quality of FS FlyingSchool PRO is terrible!

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Sound quality of FS FlyingSchool PRO is... Expand / Collapse
Posted Friday, August 14, 2015 6:00:10 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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oleandreasen (8/14/2015)
Genewiz (8/13/2015)
Hello Ole,

I’m glad that you’re enjoying your experience with FS Flying School and Mr. Smith but, unfortunately for me I’m not. Seems as though no one knows why the sound is so screwed up (at least the owner and developer and moderators) but, I DO! As I said in my reply to the squadron guy the files are screwed up and it’s nothing to do with my PC or volume or incorrect settings!

I’ll say it again! THE AUDIO FILES ARE JUNK!!! There is no fixing something that is broken right from the core.

I too have the Saitek Pro Headset, Rudder Pedals and Yoke. And it’s not doing a damn thing for the shitty sound quality of the software.

You say you like the “real life person talking” and “it would have been awful” to have a Text-to-speech engine doing the talking. Well, I totally disagree with that. There are some things that he says that I cannot understand. I won’t even get into the other instructors voices because if they were my instructors I’d throw them out of the airplane at 6,000 ft. Hahaha…

I’m gonna work on creating my own sound files until then I’ll just leave the sound off because I can’t stand listening to that shit it's really annoying.

Thanks for your reply.

I can only repeat that the sound files on MY PC, does not, at all, sound as distorted as your sample - so SOMETHING is clearly different from my PC to yours.

real homan voice or text-to-speak... This if of course a totally personal opinion. I have used several programs using text-to-speak - and I cannot for the life of me, get any feeling of reality in them. Mr. Smith, who, and I have to emphasize this again - sounds exactly as I would expect, and as I have experienced in a real aircraft does give me that feeling.
I have no idea as of why he dosen´t sound like that on your PC - but in my humble opinion then, if the sound was as "shitty" as you feel - many many others would have commented on this over the years - and this is simply not the case.

I´ll leave it here - and continue my adventures - my happy adventures with Mr. Smith. If you produce a satisfactory set of soundfile - which satisfies your needs - then hopefully we shall all end up being happy, with this amazing piece of software.


I’m only replying to your post out of courtesy, because I know that no matter what I say you will disagree with me.

I bought FSFS with the hopes that I can learn from it. I am more interested in the instructional content then the silly bells and whistles and the stupid humor it try's to include.

You on the other hand find all that childish stuff cool and important. I do not! I don’t know how you could find any reality in ANY simulation other than the situation you find yourself in. I don’t think that, that smith guy does anything for the program other than make you think to yourself ‘What did he just say?’

So I’m with you, let’s just leave it here and you and that smith guy can go fly off into the wild blue yonder together.


Post #12239
Posted Saturday, August 15, 2015 1:38:33 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, August 17, 2015 11:30:51 AM
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Here's an experiment I did using Tex-to-Speech voices. These voices are all normalized and there is absolutely NO sibilance on S's or C's nor is there Popping on the P's and no crackling in the voices at all. They are extremely clean and clear compared to the last sample in this file which is garbage.

This sample contains 2 male voice's and 2 female voice's and the last is the instructor smith's voice.

Have a Listen for yourself!
Post #12244
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