Flying school tells me off when I'm sure I'm right....I think !

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Flying school tells me off when I'm sure I'm... Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, April 30, 2014 4:06:52 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Flying school tells me off when I sure I'm right....I think !
I'm enjoying a nice VFR trip in my Cessna 172 with my friendly Instructor Aviatrix. On route I'm being told "doing really well...etc". Eventually contact the destination airport who give me instructions to fly LEFT TRAFFIC.

I have no ILS, VOR or NAV tuned in. It's solely GPS.

I reset the GPS to 'Direct' to use as a guide which obviously removes the originally planned wave points. This obviously now requires me to deviate from the original flight plan to line up with the left downwind pattern route. So off I go adjusting my course and noting the correct altitudes etc and eventually find myself entering the pattern at 45 deg' about runway mid point at 1000 ft above runway elevation. Everything I've read about pattern flying indicates this is the correct procedure. So I'm now flying parallel to the runway towards the base but being constantly told "your flying too high reduce throttle", "your flying too low", although I'm keeping a constant altitude of 1000ft AGL all the way to the Base turn. Once turned onto the Base I'm lined up with the runway - dead centre and the VASI lights showing 2x red and 2 x white so I'm feeling quite pleased with myself, but I'm still being told I'm too high or too low, and constantly "get down to the glide slope" over and over again !

Upon landing I'm told there's room for improvement, and glide slope error's, which is really frustrating. When I "instant playback" the landing it's spot on the VASI (most of the time) and very gentle landings. To be fair the written comments in the LOG book are very generous and indicate a lot of good flying stuff - thank you, but to be constantly corrected while concentrating on flying with no indication I'm doing anything wrong except for the instructor's voice is very annoying and off putting !

It seems to me that when a flight plan is altered the instructor treats it as an error in flying. Yes, I do use the CTL,Shift,Z keys so the instructor knows my intentions. Has anyone else experienced my problem ? It is putting me off using the product as it tends to ruin a nice flight after the cruising mode.
Post #11578
Posted Wednesday, April 30, 2014 4:57:57 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Thanks for your interest.

I am sure we can have you flying pleasant approaches!

From the way you reported your experience, you may wish to turn off "GPS overrides flight plan" at the flight plan screen of FSFS. That way, the plan does not change.

Secondly, be sure to get lined up with the runway before you engage "landing mode" in FSFS.

Finally, if the runways you are using are added scenery, be sure to generate runway data as described in the manual.

Please let me know how you get on!

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