FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Hi all,
I hope this is not a duplicate of FS Cessna 172 X-Plane 10.20 will not connect
Like mikefitz I'm having problems with X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and FSFlyingSchool Cessna 172 Edition. When I start X-Plane connects, disconnects instantly and tells me that I'm not in a Cessna 172 although that is not true. This happens both with the X-Plane Cessna and the one from Carenado.
Is this happening because I'm using the 64-Bit version? I haven't tested it with 32-bit yet.
When can we expect a 64-bit version of FSFlyingSchool?
I'm using XPUIPC by the way.
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If you are running a 64 bit X-Plane it will not connect - we do not support the 64 bit X-Plane program yet - we hope to soon.
If you are not running a 64 bit X-Plane, please reply with the following information for these 2 files:
which are in the plugins folder of your XP installation on your PC...
- The file name
- The file date
- The file time
- The file size
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Hi SquadronLeader
I', using X-Plane 10.20 32-Bit. I tried two versions of XPUIPC, both downloaded today from http://www.tosi-online.de
XPUIC 1.9.0
XPUIPCOffsets.cfg 24'853 bytes, Sunday, 5. September 2010, 20:26:34
XPUIPC.xpl 255'488 bytes, Creation date: Monday, 13. September 2010, 22:39:20
Problem: The instructor keeps insisting that i turn of the fuel pump even though it is already switched off!
XPUIPCOffsets.cfg 24'853 bytes, Sunday, 5. September 2010, 20:26:34
XPUIPC.xpl 255'488 bytes, Creation date: Monday, 13. September 2010, 22:39:20
Problem: FSFlyingSchool connects but instantly disconnects with the error "AUTO-Disconnection due to:
Unsupported Aircraft - Please fly in a Cessna 172SP supplied with X-Plane or the Carenado C172." The problem occurs with both the 172SP and the Carenado C172
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Thanks for the data.
I am not quite sure what versions you have of XPUIPC as the dates and times and file sizes are the same in both installations - but - this can be solved by using these files...
Please quit all flight sim software and then replace the 2 files in the plugins folder of X-Plane 10 with the 2 files in the zip.
Regarding the fuel pump message...
... a small number of users have had an issue in a very small number of cases with this. There is a direct way to disable this warning...
...the quickest fix for you is to disable Mr Smith's "Fuel Pump Off" sound file by:
* Find FuelPumpOff.wav (e.g. inside C:\Program Files (x86)\FSFlyingSchoolXPlane\Sound\MrSmith\c172)
* Rename FuelPumpOff.wav to FuelPumpOff-Disabled.wav
Then Mr Smith will quit nagging you about turning the fuel pump off! 
If you use the other instructors, you will need to do the same for them (rename the file in their folder).
Please let me know how you get on.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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freemantp (3/20/2013)
XPUIPCOffsets.cfg 24'853 bytes, Sunday, 5. September 2010, 20:26:34
XPUIPC.xpl 255'488 bytes, Creation date: Monday, 13. September 2010, 22:39:20
Problem: FSFlyingSchool connects but instantly disconnects with the error "AUTO-Disconnection due to:
Unsupported Aircraft - Please fly in a Cessna 172SP supplied with X-Plane or the Carenado C172." The problem occurs with both the 172SP and the Carenado C172
Out of interest did you set the Server address (aka IP address) in the XPUIPC.ini file?
This will not fix your problem, but it would be useful to know as we're gathering user data from setups with FSFlyingSchool and XPUIPC v2.
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Hi all
Thanks for your replies.. sorry I couldn't answer earlier.
@SquadronLeader: Yes, with the workaround you suggested, the fuel pump warning doesn't occur after renaming the file. Sorry for the misleading File sizes, i was a copy-paste error. The data i posted was from the 1.9 version of XPUIC
@John Paul Jones
Yes, i did set it, but to because the machine I obtains its IP address dynamically. This way the warning that the server could not be bound does not appear.
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Excellent result - good to hear you are up and running!
Thanks for your feedback - it all helps everyone!
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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>> Yes, i did set it, but to
Good thinking!
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Hi: We now support 64 bit X-Plane 10 - interested users need to download the new versions of our software. These are free to existing registered users of the programs (Multiple planes and Cessna 172 Edition for X-Plane 10 only) See this forum post: http://www.fsflyingschool.com/forum/FindPost10877.aspx
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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