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Last Login: Sunday, July 07, 2013 8:05:16 AM
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Hello, I discovered an issue recently, I thought I would throw out there and get your input on. In short the XPUIPC addon, is causing a conflict with one of the plugins in the 777 Worldliner. Copy from another thread I have going in the X-Plane 777 forum. To save time. /startcopy I just picked up the 777 a day or so ago, and when I first got it, it started up np. I flew a short test flight and that was that. Tonight, I go to check it out again and my X-Plane crashes upon load. After the chute load part, while saying Done Pre-Loading. Which I found really odd as it just worked less than 24 hours ago. After smashing my face against the keyboard for a few hours troubleshooting, I discovered that if I removed the XPUIPC plugin files x2 from the plugin folder it would work again. The log.txt file was stating that there was an error with a plugin, sometimes it would blame a XPLM Airplane plugin, other times it would blame the Rammzeezz(sp?) T7 plugin. That is where I sorta got the idea to remove XPUIPC and check for conflict. The version I am running atm is 1.0, that I downloaded from the Flight Sim Flying School forum. It didn't originally install correctly because I already had a previous older version of it from the Air Hauler install. And I read that it won't if the files are there already. I also tried downloading the 1.9 version from the creators website, but XP loading the 777 crashed with those as well. Did not test the 2.0 version as it's a FAT install and neither FSFS or Air Hauler like it at all. I know it's that however, as I tried several different configs, and every time XPUIPC was installed the 777 refused to load. Which is really odd however, as it loaded just fine 24ish hours ago, with it installed. o.0 Windows 7, 64 bit. Running X-Plane 32bit. All other airplanes load fine. /endcopy Link to original thread http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65908
Just thought I would get some input on the matter from your perspective. You will also find log.txt and crash dumps in the link. If there is anything I can do to help troubleshoot, please let me know. CB
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Hi Chuck:
Sorry to hear about this issue.
I have read the chain of posts on the XP site.
This is a puzzle because, as you can imagine, we have flown the 777 Worldliner extensively during testing with FSFS and had no problems. Our product has been around for several months now and this is the first such report so... that means that there is something unique about your configuration and we would be delighted to try to figure out what it is! 
I will start with several questions...
- Can you give me the version and publisher of the 777 Wordliner add-on (to avoid any ambiguity)?
- Exact version of XP10
- Exact version of FSFS
- The file name, date, time and size for these 2 files which are in the plugins folder of your XP installation on your PC:
To be clear - I need the information on the files that caused the problem when you were flying with the 777.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Sunday, July 07, 2013 8:05:16 AM
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Hello, and thank you SquadronLeader for your reply. The version of the B777 was 1.4 from Ramzzess and Philipp. XP just updated itself to 10.20. I run 32bit. FSFS is v3.1.0. The XPUIPC files are the ones I downloaded here, from your forum. For the Multi-Plane version. After confirming it didn't like the Cessna version or the Air Hauler version or the 1.9 or 2.0 updated versions. =P They work great currently. I'm posting this just to confirm I am on the right updates for all. But we did however find out what my issue was. It ended up being an issue of me running out of addressable memory I guess. After some more troubleshooting we found that if I even just removed 1 AI airplane, everything would load just fine. I was right on the line, as far as my comp was concerned. I could of swore it was a plugin conflict. I mean remove one tiny plugin and it starts working. This for me, is usually, an open and shut case. I would of never thought XPUIPC would make any difference between an airplane loading or not loading. Just blows me away still. Again, I thank you for your time. You make a great product and I am enjoying it thoroughly. Along with great customer service to boot, rare to find these days. CB
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Hi Chuck:
Fantastic news that you have it sorted out and are enjoying your flights! Thanks for the kind words - much appreciated! 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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