New Product - FS Instant Approach PRO!

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New Product - FS Instant Approach PRO! Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, February 25, 2013 5:02:35 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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New Product - FS Instant Approach PRO!



Calling All Pilots!




We have got news for you about the release of a new version of our FS Instant Approach add-on for FSX and FS2004!

FS Instant Approach PRO!


Just download the demo and install!



What's new in FS Instant Approach PRO? 

  • FS Instant Approach PRO builds on the popular FS Instant Approach by introducing a host of new features that can set up varied and challenging approaches in just seconds!

  • A new feature lets you set up an approach which intersects your final approach, from the left or the right, from any angle you choose. This was previously limited to 45 degrees.

  • Begin your approach at the start of the 'Downwind' leg of the traffic pattern at any runway. Fly left or right traffic - the choice is yours!

  • The Flight Plan screen now includes a handy detailed diagram showing which approach types are available to set up with FS Instant Approach PRO at your selected runway.


  • When you have finished your approach and want to fly another, there is no longer any need to exit Flight Simulator and return to FS Instant Approach. You can 'restart the approach' by simply flipping your airplane's panel lights from off to on, and... another approach will begin!
  • What's more, if you set up visibility and wind using the new random settings introduced in PRO, you will get a different challenge each time!

  • Optionally set the specific altitude of your approach using MSL or now AAL (Above Airfield Level). Very useful to quickly set 'pattern altitude'.

  • Lots of folks are enjoying the function to approach a random airport with FS Instant Approach. You can now filter random airport selection by runway surface. How about landing on sand today?! Planks tomorrow?

  • Now you can specify that only the slick 'detailed' airports supplied with FSX Deluxe or FSX Acceleration will be included in random selection.

  • For those who like variety and challenges, the wind can now be set to a random strength and direction. This will keep you on your toes and is a great way to fly a whole host of very different approaches in minutes.

  • Low visibility is always a challenge - now you can set it to a random distance that will automatically vary with each new approach! Who knows what you will be facing next time?

  • Don't forget that FS Instant Approach introduced several new features you can use, learn from and have fun with:

    - On Approach Feature

    - Automated Radio Tuning

    - Flight Mapping Feature




    If you're new to FS Instant Approach PRO

    then all this can be yours

     for only $24.95!  

    (Approx: £16.45 or EUR 18.95)

    If you own FS Instant Approach you can 

    UPGRADE to FS Instant Approach PRO

    for only $9.95!  

    (Approx: £6.57 or EUR 7.55) 


    You'll be in good company.

    FS Instant Approach is used to demonstrate 

    Flightdeck Solutions JetMax system.

Like FS Instant Approach? 

You will love FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013!

And this weekend 
is having a 
SALE!      25% OFF!

Did you know that FSInventions, the creators of FS Instant Approach, also publish a unique Flight Simulator add-on that will have you flying like a Pro in no time?

FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013 has an exciting movie right here!

FSFlyingSchool has won 4 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine Classic Product Awards and is used by thousands of real and simulator pilots worldwide.

It contains many of the features* of FS Instant Approach PRO and much, much more, including a team of artificially intelligent talking instructors who analyze over 70 different aspects of all your flights in any powered airplane, anywhere in the world.

You can download a free demo, watch movies and learn all about this unique product at: 

In our SALE this weekend you can pick up FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013 for only $29.95
(Approx: £19.75 or EUR 22.70) 

That's $10 off the regular price!

* See latest FS Instant Approach PRO manual for differences 

A little about our track record...

We've met with and been consulted by the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and our product FSFlyingSchool has been used by Elite Simulation Solutions at SUN 'n FUN Florida.


Add in recommendations from AVSIMComputer Pilot MagazinePC Aviator and FSPilotShop and you know that you are going to be getting some fun, useful flight simulation software. 

Don't miss out this new version's features - be sure to visit the FSInventions Store 


You can download absolutely free demos of our products and read the full manuals, so you know exactly what we have to offer before you think about making a purchase. For full details - hop on over to FSInventions 


Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004

Winner of 5 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine 'Classic Product' Awards

Fly like the Pros with X-Plane, Flight Simulator and Prepar3D!

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