FSFlyingSchool PPL
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I noticed that you ave added a detailed C-152 package to FSX & P3D and was wondering if its available for X-plane and if not can I add this Carenado C-152II v 1.0 to FSFS?
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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We don't have support for any c152 in XP at present, but our new 'FSFS for X-Plane 10' which supports multiple planes does allow the user to create a data profile for any powered airplane in XP10.
You would be able to use the plane in XP10 with your FSFS Instructor along for the flight. Full instructions are found in the PDF manual for FSFS for X-Plane 10 which can be tried out as a free demo here... 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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