Instructors Advice

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Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:14:56 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Saturday, October 20, 2007 1:42:17 AM
Posts: 6, Visits: 25
Hi - Me again

I find that the Instructors advice though welcome is repeated too often. I wandered if it would be possible to prevent the same message from being constantly repeated as it soon becomes distracting rather than helpful. Something like a check to see if any given message had been played in the last xx (20 maybe) seconds would be ideal but I don't know how easy that would be or what the overheads would be.


Post #1018
Posted Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1:13:13 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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>> Hi - Me again

Keep 'em comin'! We thrive on input - the more the merrier!

    Did you folks out there hear that?!    Keep up the forum feedback!    

>> I find that the Instructors advice though welcome is repeated too often. I wandered if it would be possible to prevent the same message from being constantly repeated as it soon becomes distracting rather than helpful. Something like a check to see if any given message had been played in the last xx (20 maybe) seconds would be ideal but I don't know how easy that would be or what the overheads would be.
Excellent point! 

This is very much a matter of personal taste in that some users mention this, but most do not. It very much depends on your style of flying and on the specific situation at hand. A lousy airman will of course hear a great deal of feedback, often repeated, but I am sure that's not the case here. We can make the instructors less repetitive, but this runs the risk of (for example) gagging the instructor who wants to remind you once more that your gear is still up while landing.

The software already has subtle logic to prevent frequent repetition of phrases, but this depends on several factors. I have not, to the best of my recollection, explained this before, so here goes...

Phrases are assigned a repetition frequency in seconds which controls how frequently they are allowed to be repeated. They are also given a deadline, beyond which they will not be spoken at all, as the event which triggered them may be so far in the past that it would be unnatural to speak them after a certain period. In addition, some urgent phrases are spoken immediately and will interrupt what the instructor may have been in the middle of saying.

Having said all this, we are indeed looking at providing the user with a slider control which will affect that class of phrases which could reasonably be given an arbitrarily longer (or shorter!) repetition frequency in seconds.

We are not likely to allow the user to indicate that phrases should be repeated only a certain number of times, as that brings with it the danger of configuring FSFlyingSchool such that the instructor remains gagged while the aircraft is flown badly or even plummets to a disaster.

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Post #1021
Posted Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:22:42 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Saturday, October 20, 2007 1:42:17 AM
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Thanks for the explanation, and the veiled hint that my piloting skills could use some more practice  which of course they are getting thanks to FSFS

I think it may be useful for aircraft speed to be factored into the equation as well as time between repetitions, or as you can already cater for different rules for the light aircraft pilot than the heavy pilot having different settings if this is not already the case. For example it's probably more approporiate to remind a heavy pilot who is approaching an airport at 2-3 times the speed of a light pilot that he needs to line up with the runway every 10 seconds whereas the light pilot only needs to have the message every 20 - 30 seconds.

Lining up with the runway is actually my biggest bugbear with this at the moment. I'm flying a C172 into EGHD the NAV1 OBS is tuned to the runway heading of 310. I intersect the glidescope about 4 miles out and for those 4 miles at 80kts I seem to be getting messages to line up with the runway every 5 seconds. It could be that runway 31 isn't exactly 310 degrees which is why I'm having problems (I'll investigate that later today) but I still feel there is a problem with the message frequency which could be addressed.

Cheers - Pie 

Post #1023
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