Compare features of FSFlyingSchool2010 and FSFlyingSchool 2009

Works with both FS2004 and FSXYesYes
Team of 4 talking Flight Instructors YesYes
Scoring system rates all phases of flight: taxi, take off, cruise, approach, landing & moreYesYes
Fly anywhere in the world with an instructorYesYes
Unique Career Analyzer graphs over 70 areas of airmanshipYesYes
Evaluates landing with or without ILS at any runway in the worldyesYes
Automatically creates FSFlyingSchool profile for any powered airplaneyesYes
Pilot Briefing Tool analyzes all flights to find patterns of performance which need improvementyesYes
Option to monitor correct use of aircraft lightsyesYes
Instructor is aware of and comments on ground trafficNoYes
Instructor is aware of and comments on air trafficNoYes
Instructor optionally advises when the next waypoint in a flight plan is approachingNoYes
Instructor optionally advises which radio to tune for the next NAVAID (Navigation Aid) in the flight planNoYes
Instructor reports upcoming waypoint ID and type and advises the turn which must be made when it is reachedNoYes
Instructor reports reports the ID and type of the NAVAID, how to use its signal, and the course which can be tracked with itNoYes
Instructors now give additional warnings before mistakes are madeyesYes
Instructors have many new helpful and entertaining phrasesyesYes
Aircraft Failures integrated into scoringyesYes
Option to monitor correct use of aircraft enginesyesYes
Engine firesyesYes
Monitors use of emergency communicationsyesYes
Enhanced HelpyesYes
Multiple instructors with different personalities, genders and nationalitiesYesYes
With single key-press pilot can optionally indicate exact touchdown point on any runway in the worldNoYes
Instructor reports runway length, altitude and surface type when on approachNoYes
Instructor optionally tunes NAV1 (Navigation Radio One) to ILS (Instrument Landing System) at destination airportNoYes
Instructor optionally tunes COM2 (Communications Radio Two) to ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) at destination airportNoYes
Instructor reports distance from DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) navigation aidNoYes
Automatically reads the flight plan in use in FSXNoYes
Log Book statistics are totalled for easy reviewNoYes
Optional Voice Command Pack allows the pilot to talk to the InstructorNoYes
Link to real world airport data on webNoYes
Failures system keeps you on your toes - instructor can help you spot themYesYes
Flight scores tracked in detail in your own FSFlyingSchool logbookYesYes
FSFlyingSchool web site hosts top scores tablesYesYes
Ideal for small or large airplanesYesYes
Huge selection of options for custom configurationsYesYes
Works with the Flight Simulator community's favorite airplanesYesYes
Instant tests of your airmanship - just ask the instructorYesYes
Detailed scoring of your performance - not a simple summaryYesYes
Instructor will advise on height, gear, flaps, speed, wind and more as you approach the runwayYesYes
Narrated video tutorials on how to use FSFlyingSchoolYesYes
Aircraft failure events reported in Log BookYesYes
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