Features of the FSFlyingSchool Voice Command Pack DELUXE

This Pack is now built into FSFS PRO 2014 for FSX/FS2004

Available separately for P3D

- The registration KEY for this Pack works with Prepar3D version of FSFlyingSchool.

With the addition to FSFlyingSchool of the Voice Command Pack DELUXE, your instructors will be listening to you more than ever before.

Here are the new commands you can use to ask your instructors for informative, useful information in your flights in the simulated skies.

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Look at these Voice Commands - Your Instructor has always loved to talk and is a good listener too!

Flight Plan Information

Descent rate to destination

Reports flight plan destination airport ICAO code (e.g. Kilo Lima Alpha X-Ray) and the descent rate in feet per minute in order to arrive at the runway elevation based on the current ground speed. The pilot should not necessarily begin a descent at that rate as he/she may be many hours away from the destination. If by contrast the airport is drawing near, this command gives the pilot a good idea of what to do. This can be very instructive as when flying around for fun in your flight simulator it is very easy to make the mistake of heading off toward an airport with a landing in mind only to realize, when you get there, that you are far too high to begin an approach.

Waypoint bearing

Reports the course needed to fly to the next waypoint in the flight plan. This handy feature means that you can then set the autopilot heading bug to that course as a reminder or indeed to direct the autopilot if heading hold is also engaged. You can also set the course using the NAV1 and NAV2 OBS knobs and fly to the waypoint using VOR navigation if it is a VOR. Great practice!

Waypoint time

Reports the time it will take to reach the next flight plan waypoint based on the current ground speed and distance to the waypoint. As this is based on the current ground speed, this is of course a general estimate of the time and will be effected by changes in wind direction and speed, climbs and descents, speed regulations, etc.

Fuel to destination

Reports the estimated quantity of fuel required to reach the flight plan's destination, given the current fuel rate of consumption and the current ground speed. As this is based on the current fuel rate of consumption and the current ground speed, this is of course a general estimate of the fuel to be consumed and will be effected by changes in wind direction and speed, climbs and descents, speed regulations, etc. The instructor will report the estimate of fuel to be consumed in gallons in smaller aircraft and in pounds in a heavy. Do you have enough fuel to get there safely with recommended or required fuel reserves?

Waypoint frequency

Reports radio frequency of next waypoint if it is a VOR. (We hope to add this for NDBs soon!) FSFlyingSchool PRO 2013 can optionally be set to automatically tune these for you, but setting it yourself is of course good practice and more realistic. This is a handy feature for practicing VOR navigation!

General Information

Nearest airport

Reports nearest airport with its ICAO code (e.g. Kilo Lima Alpha X-Ray), bearing, distance, runway length.If you are just flying around for fun and want somewhere "to go" or if you need to get down onto the ground in a hurry, this feature is a winner!

Fuel range

Reports the estimated range given the present fuel quantity, current fuel rate of consumption and the current ground speed. As this is based on the current fuel rate of consumption and the current ground speed, this is of course a general estimate of the range and will be effected by changes in wind direction and speed, climbs and descents, speed regulations, etc. Make sure you know your limits and remember to arrive at your destination with the fuel reserves you need.

Cruise altitude

This requests that your instructor monitors your altitude while cruising and if you fly more than 100 feet above or below this altitude, he/she will let you know until you resume the altitude you chose to monitor. Flying at a constant altitude without the autopilot can be a real challenge, especially in rough weather. Can you master this essential skill? The first time the pilot says this, the instructor will acknowledge by saying "Maintain altitude" and will expect that the current altitude be maintained. As you would expect, this command will only be acknowledged when the pilot is in FSFlyingSchool's cruise mode section of the flight. Cruise altitude monitoring can be cancelled either by leaving FSFlyingSchool's cruise mode (for example advancing to landing mode) or by giving the command again, which ends monitoring cruise altitude. In summary, the command toggles cruise altitude monitoring on and off. When the command is used to toggle off, the instructor will acknowledge by saying "Affirmative".

Cruise airspeed

This requests that your instructor monitors your airspeed while cruising and if you fly more than 10 KIAS above or below this airspeed, he/she will let you know until you resume the airspeed you chose to monitor. Flying at a constant airspeed without the autopilot and/or autothrottle can be a real challenge, especially in rough weather. Can you master this essential skill? The first time the pilot says this, the instructor will acknowledge by saying "Maintain indicated airspeed" and will expect that the current airspeed be maintained. As you would expect, this command will only be acknowledged when the pilot is in FSFlyingSchool's cruise mode section of the flight. Cruise airspeed monitoring can be cancelled either by leaving FSFlyingSchool's cruise mode (for example advancing to landing mode) or by giving the command again, which ends monitoring cruise airspeed. In summary, the command toggles cruise airspeed monitoring on and off. When the command is used to toggle off, the instructor will acknowledge by saying "Affirmative".

Fuel consumed

Reports fuel consumed since this flight in FSFlyingSchool started. A flight starts when you press the 'connect' button in FSFlyingSchool or when you complete a flight and start a new one. The instructor will report the fuel consumed in gallons in smaller aircraft and in pounds in a heavy. Fuel planning is essential and this feature will help you develop a realistic fuel conscious mindset.

Gross weight

Reports gross weight in pounds. Know your limits!

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