Features of the On Approach PLUS Pack

Built into
FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013

ALSO Available to ADD to:
  • FSFlyingSchool Pro
Download FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013 Demo

On Approach PLUS Pack is built into FSFlyingSchool PRO 2013 - it does not need to be added!

If purchased as an add-on for FSFlyingSchool PRO, it works with FSX and FS2004 AND Prepar3D!

The On Approach PLUS Pack for FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013 adds to the built in instant 'On Approach' feature of FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013, which allows pilots to set up approaches to landing, anywhere in the world, with just a few mouse clicks.

With the addition of the On Approach PLUS Pack for FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013, the pilot can now begin an approach, at any runway in the world, on a path that will intersect the final approach path.

The intersecting path can be from the left or the right of the final approach and the pilot can choose to set the length of the intersecting path in nautical miles, or can alternatively let FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013 set the length based on the pilot's initial approach speed.

This new feature is a handy way to practice intersecting the glideslope and localizer, or for just practicing "getting onto final".

You can now optionally set the altitude for your approach if you do not wish the program to compute it automatically.

A new set of filters allow you to set the minimum and maximum length of a randomly chosen runway. This is a great way to practice short field approaches... or to make sure there is enough room to land that big airliner!

A new filter allows you to set the surface type of a randomly chosen runway. How about landing on sand today and planks tomorrow?

The pilot can now choose to set the surface wind for the approach relative to the runway rather than as a compass heading. This makes setting up crosswind approaches even faster!

- To buy this product to add to an existing FSFlyingSchool Pro CLICK HERE

Download a free demo of FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013

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