Features of the FSFlyingSchool Explorer Pack

Pack for FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 for FSX/FS2004 and P3Dv2

Let's explore the simulated world!

With the addition to FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 of the Explorer Pack you'll be able to quickly get information on any airport as you fly AND change your flight plan details with Voice Commands!

Announce Nearest Airport (automatically)

Turn this on at the Pilots Screen of FSFlyingSchool and let your instructors automatically tell you full details on your nearest airport as you fly over or merely in the vicinity of each one. Reports nearest airport with its ICAO code (e.g. Kilo Lima Alpha X-Ray), bearing, distance, runway length. This works for airports within approximately 35 nautical miles of the airplane.
If you are just flying around for fun and want somewhere "to go" or if you need to get down onto the ground in a hurry, this feature is a winner!

"Specify Airport" Voice Command

Say this command to let your instructor know that you are about to request information on an airport. Your instructor will confirm he/she is waiting with the response "Airport..."
Say the 4 letter airport ICAO code using the phonetic alphabet (e.g. Kilo Lima Alpha X-Ray). If you have announced the code of a valid airport, your instructor will confirm this by replying with its ICAO code, bearing, distance, runway length. This works for airports anywhere in the world. ICAO codes must contain only letters. An incorrect ICAO code gets the response "Negative."
Very useful when used with the Explorer Pack's "Divert to Alternate" command when you want to fly to a specific airport and don't want to return to the FSX/P3Dv2 flight planner or the FSFlyingSchool flight plan screen. And also for just getting general information! Now you can TELL your instructor where you want to go!

"Divert to Alternate" Voice Command

Simply say this command and your instructor will know that you have changed the FSFlyingSchool flight plan to fly to the last airport you requested information on. This works with any airport the instructor has described to you as a result of any of these commands:
"Nearest Airport?"
"Airport [x] o'clock?"
"Specify Airport"
The instructor will respond with its ICAO code, bearing, distance, runway length. If you have not asked for information on an airport already you will get the response "Negative."

"Next Runway" Voice Command

Simply say this command and your instructor will know that you have changed the FSFlyingSchool flight plan to land at the next (numerically listed) runway at the airport in the flight plan. You can say this several times if you wish in order to find the runway you want. The instructor will respond with details on the newly chosen destination runway. If there is no flight plan in FSFlyingSchool you will get the response "Negative."
Very useful for changing to a better suited runway, especially if just directed to it by ATC.

Explore the world with this exciting new pack!

Download a free demo of FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 for FSX/FS2004

Download a free demo of FSFlyingSchool Pro 2015 for P3D v2

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