Features of the FSFlyingSchool Detail Pack for Bombardier CRJ 700 for FSX and P3Dv2

Detail pack for FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 for FSX and P3Dv2

You can master this sleek regional airliner!

- Works with the FSX Bombardier CRJ 700 and others!

With the addition to FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 of the Detail Pack for Bombardier CRJ 700, your instructors will be looking at your aircraft and your performance in your Bombardier CRJ 700 in a lot more detail. In addition to FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014's detailed analysis of your flights, you'll hear extra advice and warnings all specific to the Bombardier CRJ 700. Spoilers, fuel switches, flight control panel, weight management, hydraulics, generators, passenger signs, speedbrake, thrust reversers, yaw damper, anti-ice, flap speeds, before takeoff procedures, starting the engines, landing techniques and much more.

Includes a number of Bombardier CRJ 700 checklists you can request to be read by your instructor.

Here are just some of the different stages of flight in which events will cause your instructor to talk to you, with specific reference to the Bombardier CRJ 700 you are flying.

Cold and Dark

Master battery off and engine starter switches on

Warning that starter switches must be off

Shortly after flight starts on ground with master battery on

Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.

Starting Engines

Engine start attempted with master battery switch off

Advice that the master battery switch must be on when starting the engines.

Engine start attempted and thrust levers not correctly set

Advice that thrust levers should both be at idle when starting the engines.

Engine start attempted and parking brake not set

Warning that parking brake must be set when starting the engines.

Taxi Out

Shortly after moving in taxi mode

Advice on which instruments and systems should be checked during taxiing.

Shortly after moving in taxi mode and too little flaps

Advice to set flaps to 8 or 20 degrees.

Shortly after moving in taxi mode and too much flaps

Advice to set flaps to 8 or 20 degrees.

Take Off

On ground with APU on

Warning that APU must be off during takeoff.

On ground with autopilot on

Warning that autopilot must be off during takeoff.

On ground with FCP altitude not set

Warning to set FCP altitude to initially assigned altitude.

On ground with FCP heading not set

Warning to set FCP heading to departure runway heading.

On ground with FCP speed not set

Warning to set FCP speed to climb speed.

On ground with parking brake off and either engine less than T/O thrust

Warning that parking brake needs to be on until thrust is set to T/O thrust.

On ground with parking brake on and either engine N1 approaching 40%

Advice to spool both N1 to 40%, allow them to stabilize and then advance thrust levers to T/O thrust.

On ground with parking brake on and T/O thrust set

Warning that parking brake needs to be off.

Shortly after beginning takeoff

Reminder to listen for "v1" then "Rotate" and then to smoothly pitch up to 10 degrees and hold.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to turn on autopilot.

Flaps up too soon

Warning if takeoff flaps retracted before 1000 feet above airfield.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to start retracting flaps.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to engage FCP heading hold.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to engage FCP speed hold.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to engage FCP altitude hold.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder to raise all flaps.

Shortly after takeoff

Reminder that the maximum airspeed under 10,000 feet MSL is 250 KIAS.


Shortly after climb through 10,000 MSL

Advice to use seat belts sign as required.

Flaps down above maximum flaps altitude

Advice to retract flaps as they are down when flying above 15,000 feet.

Above maximum altitude

Advice to descend below 41,000 feet.

Descent and Landing

Gross weight over 67,000 pounds

Advice that weight must be reduced for landing.

Spoilers not armed

Reminder to arm the spoilers for landing

Descending and decelerating to maximum flap speed while landing

Advice that once below 230 KIAS the pilot may use up to 20 degrees of flaps.

Descending and decelerating to next flap speed while landing

Advice that once below 185 KIAS the pilot may use 30 degrees of flaps.

Descending and decelerating to next flap speed while landing

Advice that once below 170 KIAS the pilot may use 45 degrees of flaps.

Descent to around 500 feet AGL while landing

Advice that you typically want to land with 45 degrees flaps.

Descent to around 400 feet AGL while landing

Reminder to touchdown with around 3 degrees nose up pitch.

Descent to around 300 feet AGL while landing

Reminder that thrust levers should be idle at touchdown.

Approaching 'minimums'

Instructor calls "approaching minimums" based on value set on Primary Flight Display.

Descent to 'minimums'

Instructor calls "minimums" based on value set on Primary Flight Display.

Autopilot on below 400 feet AGL without ILS

Warning to turn autopilot off.

FCP speed hold switch on below 300 feet AGL

Reminder to turn FCP speed hold switch off.

Autopilot on below 80 feet AGL with ILS

Warning to turn autopilot off.

Taxi In

Flight director on

Advice to turn flight director off.

Wing anti-ice on

Advice to turn off wing anti-ice.

Probe heat on

Advice to turn probe heat off.

Shut Down

Fuel not both cutoff

Advice to cut off both fuel flows..

Wing anti-ice on

Advice to turn off wing anti-ice.

Seatbelts sign on

Advice to turn off seatbelts sign.

Fuel pumps on

Reminder to turn off both fuel pumps.

Panel lights on

Advice to turn off panel lights.

General Warnings and Advice

Speed brake in use below 800 feet AGL

Advice to retract speed brake.

Yaw damper not engaged in flight and flaps up

Reminder to turn on yaw damper

Yaw damper engaged on ground or with flaps down

Reminder to turn off yaw damper

Engine 1 or engine 2 starter switch on and its engine running

Reminder to turn off the starter.

On ground and too heavy to taxi

Warning gross weight exceeds maximum taxi weight of 74,945 pounds.

On ground and too heavy to take off

Warning gross weight exceeds maximum take off weight of 74,695 pounds.

Seatbelts sign off under 10,000 feet MSL

Advice to turn on seatbelts sign.

Panel lights off and master battery on and not shutting down

Advice to turn on panel lights.

Engines off and probe heat on

Advice to turn off probe heat.

Airspeed over 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL

Advice to turn reduce speed to 250 KIAS or less when off below 10,000 feet MSL.

Airborne and parking brake on

Warning that parking brake needs to be off.

Probe heat off and engines running and not shutting down

Advice to turn on probe heat.

Engine fire started

Warning that an engine is on fire.

APU started too soon

Warning that 2 minutes must elapse before starting APU again.

Engine 1 or engine 2 starter switch just turned on

Reminder to check the oil pressure.

Engine 1 generator switch on and engine 1 not running

Reminder to turn off engine 1 generator.

Engine 2 generator switch on and engine 2 not running

Reminder to turn off engine 2 generator.

Engine 1 generator switch off and engine 1 running

Reminder to turn on engine 1 generator.

Engine 2 generator switch off and engine 2 running

Reminder to turn on engine 2 generator.

Cowl anti-ice on with no engines running

Reminder to turn off cowl anti-ice when no engines are running.

Cowl anti-ice off on ground when cold

Reminder to turn on cowl anti-ice when engines running and below 10 Celsius.

Cowl anti-ice off in air when cold

Reminder to turn on cowl anti-ice when engines running and total air temperature is below 10 Celsius.

Cowl anti-ice on on ground when warm

Reminder to turn off cowl anti-ice when above 10 Celsius.

Cowl anti-ice on in air when warm

Reminder to turn off cowl anti-ice when total air temperature is above 10 Celsius.

Wing anti-ice on when warm

Reminder to turn off wing anti-ice when total air temperature is above 10 Celsius.

Wing anti-ice on when taxiing

Reminder to turn off wing anti-ice.

Wing anti-ice off when cold and not taxiing

Reminder to turn on wing anti-ice when total air temperature is below 10 Celsius.

Speed approaching vMO

Warning that you are close to exceeding 335 KIAS or 0.85 Mach (mMO) which is maximum operating speed for this aircraft.

Not taxiing and flight director off

Advice to turn on flight director.

Flight plan destination runway length less than 5,100 feet

Warning that a different runway or airport should be chosen.

Flight plan destination runway width less than 100 feet

Warning that a different runway or airport should be chosen.

Flight plan destination runway has inappropriate surface

Warning that a different runway or airport should be chosen as runway surface is not Asphalt, Concrete, Macadam or Tarmac.

Fuel level low

Warning that fuel is below 10 percent and you may wish to consider your refueling options.

FCP approach hold on and not landing

Reminder to engage FCP heading hold.

Taxiing and FCP speed hold switch on

Reminder to turn FCP speed hold switch off.

Flying with engines running and FCP speed hold switch off and not about to land

Reminder to turn FCP speed hold switch on.

Fuel in left tank and left fuel pump off

Reminder to turn on left pump.

Fuel in right tank and right fuel pump off

Reminder to turn on right fuel pump.

Fuel in left tank low and left fuel pump on

Reminder to turn off left pump.

Fuel in right tank low and right fuel pump on

Reminder to turn off right fuel pump.

Fuel out in left and right and pumps on

Reminder to turn off both fuel pumps.

Fuel in left and right and both pumps off

Reminder to turn on both fuel pumps.

Master battery just switched on

Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.

Master battery on and fuel level getting low

Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full as fuel falls below 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% and 3%.

Welcome to the flight deck - you'll soon be flying this sleek regional jet like a professional!

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