You missed a spot - nonILS files

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You missed a spot - nonILS files Expand / Collapse
Posted Friday, November 13, 2009 5:22:04 PM
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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On my belated resumption of the Sweet & Sour Tour, I find myself flummoxed and chastened by my landing results at Hamilton Island 14.

A planned-for 24kt crosswind undoubtedly helped my score from its 70ft spot distance, but to make sure I'm on the beam - so to speak - I'd like to confirm my assumption for a stock non-ILS landing.

Here's a tall, offset bird's-eye view of the approach - clean on the left, and marked up like mad on the right:


Position A is the the edge of the asphalt, and at rushed glance would appear to be start of the runway.  Needless to say, I rushed m'self today.

From what I've read - and tried to fly against - I take that the "start of the physical runway surface in the case of runway data generated by FSFlyingSchool 2009" would be position B, where the white lines on the runway sides start.  (S20-21-07 E148-56-79 in FSX, -20.3511 / 148.9435 in the runways.csv file)  Without a nonILS file, pilots should aim for the 'centerline' of this position.

Position C (nearest to FSX: S20-20-10) is what I'd call the "threshold line", making the B--C area the "threshold offset."

Position D (FSX: S20-21-13), the "designator" or runway numbers. 

Position E (FSX: S20-21-17), the (single-lined in Austrailia) "touchdown zone."  This is what I'd aim for in real life.

So if I were to create a 3-degree glideslope nonILS file for the rough center of the touchdown zone of YBHM 14 - heading 134 - I think it would be...


Right as rain, or off in the boonies again???


FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive


Post #5788
Posted Saturday, November 14, 2009 2:17:05 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Hi Fenric

I've kick started an old micrlite I found in the back of the hangar and checked out Hamilton Is

Your A,B,C,D & E location assumptions look good.

Pos. C S20_20_10 is wrong. I think its just a typo - it should read S20_21_10

Pos. D & E  correct

So your nonils file of 14,134,S20_21_17,E148_56_87,3,HAMILTON I.YHBM looks ok to me.

As to stutters ext. dense. anything can get you everytime, depending on your CPU?


Post #5790
Posted Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:33:00 PM
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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21, yeah that's what I meant.  Thx.

So I loaded up my 1st nonILS, noticed nothing different in the FSFS flight plan form, took off, hit my mark and scored a miserable landing spot of 303 ft.

I fretted so much, I thought I was a Stratocaster.

Then it dawned on me and 30 minutes later 14,134,S20_21_17,E148_56_87,4,HAMILTON I.YBHM worked so much better. That 4 degree slope turned into a hard landing so my score was 80-something, but the spot was much improved.

FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive


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