WWT - Oles flights from The Middle East, Asia, Australian to Canada [concluded]

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WWT - Oles flights from The Middle East,... Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:11:08 PM

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Ok folks. Here we are "Out of Africa" as Karen Blixen would have said. The journey now continues in the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Please look HERE for my African flights and enjoy these flights.

If you by any chance didn´t look at the last page of the African flights, and are wondering why the heck I fly a Boeing 737 all of a sudden, then please clickHERE for the explanation!

Leg 21:

HECA (Cairo - Egypt) to OERK (Riyadh – Saudi Arabia)

Continue to test myself. We started in complete darkness, Luckily daylight crept in very soon.

Not much to look at down below, so Smith and I just read the manual aloud over and over again, While glancing out the window, and scanning the instruments.

Endless landscapes of nothing - might even have been prettier in the darkness. Lets get to Saudi Arabia - please!

Yes baby - Smooth flight and pretty darn good landing - and no AP this time. This could be really good. Gate 5B please Smith?

- And the verdict?

Landing score132.00 (Boy this is GREAT)

A splendid landing!

Flightscore 143,61 (Rock on baby!)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Dangerous taxiing turns - these cause discomfort and stress.
  • Throttle and brakes during taxi - bad for many systems.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2729
Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:12:49 PM

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Leg 22:

OERK (Riyadh – Saudi Arabia) to ORBI (Bagdad – Iraq)


OK - prepping the plane for a trip to Baghdad, Iraq. Hope it´s a stable situation down there today      Taxiing to the runway.


Towershot of my plane - a beaut, isn´t it?                                                                                            And off we go. Off to Iraq.


Fine weather to fly in. No problems here.                                                                                           And I now have the runway in sight.


OK we seem to be lined up fine, but watch that glideslope, and the speed, get lined up, throttle idle..    Nice flight - danm landing. I freaked out I think. I lost 5 pounds  - and please send a pair of shorts! 



Your final words Smith?


Landing score  38.00 (Well beginners luck seems to be running out. That was NOT good)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Glideslope lost before you touched down - not your best effort.
  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.

Flight score  143,65 (But the flightscore makes up for it. Thanks man)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2730
Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:31:10 PM

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Leg 23:

ORBI (Bagdad – Iraq) to OIIE (Teheran – Iran)


Alright Smith. One AP fault, one great one, and one terrible landing. Wanna bet on this one?                 I have a fiver says I am going to nail a good one now.


In the air. I can already feel the weitht of the extra fiver at the end of this flight.                                     What does this switch do?


woooow man. What is that? Nothern light? No? well just one amazing sunset then.                             You sure about the Nothern light Smith? OK then - sorry!


And down we went. I must have lost the glideslope somewhere, because this started as a ILS landing   And now it seems to be rated a Visual, and a bad one too.


Seems I owe you a fiver Smith! there you go. And give me your worst shot then.



Landing score: 55.00 (I knew it. awful man, awful)
Landing included the following problems:

  • No glideslope information was available on visual approach.
  • No runway alignment information was available on visual approach.
  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • No glideslope - could not compare flare to glideslope.

Flight score: 139,13 (Flightscores seems to be ok though, but still......)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2731
Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:32:55 PM

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Leg 24:


OIIE (Teheran – Iran) to UT1G Ashkhabad – Turkmenistan


This was a flight where I knew it would be a visual landing, so I choose the plane I knew - my Learjet. Off to Turkmenistan.



Totally alone. Even had to fuel the plane myself. But it´s good practice though.                                      Landinglights off please Smith? Thank you.


Hey look a very cool mountain. Damh the skies are in the other plane - well take a shot of it Smith.    Nice rough rocks there. Think we could fly in between them Smith? Hey Smith? You looked pale there, easy now.


Oh great. Everything is fogging completly over. Just what I needed.                                                     No needles, No visuals and even the GPS strikes. This is bound to end in tears.


Get lined up with the runway? yeah - my bare easterbunny. I cannot see a damn thing there.              OH THERE it is. Any landing is a good landing this time.




I know Smith, I know. But come on - you were there. Those conditions! Gotta give me triple digits.



Landing score: 48.00 (No? You are not a nice guy Mr.Smith!)
Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better.
  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight score: 113,27 (well that´s exactly what I use to get in this plane!)
Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2732
Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:33:13 PM

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Leg 25:

UT1G Ashkhabad – Turkmenistan to UUDD Moscow – Russia


How my new empty-plane pilot Mr. Jeff Piston landed that 737 is beond me, but he did it great. I hopped right into it and went away from this place instantly.



Still damn foggy. But this time it´s just up and away.                                                                            So that is what we did - right Smith?


A long long way to Moscow, Smith, over forrests and mountains and seas, as ABBA would have sung. But there are no seas? Just lakes? well well - I stand correced again Smith.


But look down. Completly different ground there. Nice change from Africa.                                       And look the Airport. We are in for landing right after that Airbus taking off.


It is so much harder to keep this plane on the centerline than the Learjet. I feel discouraged I admit.    Door open. Hey Smith - where are you going?


Well there seems to be traffic in Moscow. Good for a change. I have felt quite lonely.

And another bad bad landing. Worth what Smith?


Landing score: 59.00 (Just about what I though - a little higher even. sigh! well I gotta learn all over again)
Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.

Flight score: 145,87 (But best flightscore in my WWT tour. Alrighty then.... Now I can sleep)
Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2733
Posted Saturday, November 15, 2008 1:38:44 PM

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Leg 26:

UUDD (Moscow - Russia) to UTTT (Tashkent - Uzbekistan)

Gotta get better at those landings. I really try to focus on this flight. One long flight that is. 4 hours.

Getting ready - prepping the plane for one of the longest flights in the WWT.                      And taxiing on to the runway. Just needs clearence now.

Leaving Moscow airspace. Heading south-south-east to Uzbekistan                                    Please take the wheel Smith, I need a nap.

Alright - Tashkent airport in sight. Lets get down to triple digits this time please!                 Almost no more time to screw it up. Looks jolly there!

Little low on the final, but I got down exactly on the numbers.                                       And just taxied to the gate - or at least this space.

That was one heck of a great flight, and I just oozed down in the pipe. Gota be great.

Just to show off, I post the entire Smith verdict on this one.

Aircraft: BOEING ID: N737W Airline: Boeing Flight:
Flight plan: UUDD TO UTTT NAV1: ING
Failure(s): None at landing
Flight Duration:04 Hours 00 Mins 06 Secs

Landing Score:134,30 (I knew I could do it - I knew it! )

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good glideslope on ILS approach.
  • Good alignment with runway on ILS approach.
  • Gentle touchdown.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:159,05 (Arh man, you gotta love Mr.Smith! A new highscore for me!)

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Nice banking.
  • Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
  • Smooth comfortable descent rate.
  • Pitch not too high.
  • Pitch not too low.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

A smooth flight!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2744
Posted Saturday, November 15, 2008 1:58:00 PM

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Leg 27:

UTTT (Tashkent - Uzbekistan) to OAKB (Kabul - Afghanistan)

Going from one of the longest flights in the WWT - to a landing in one of the highest airports in the WWT - only two in South America is higher. See if I can make this a streak of good ones.

Getting away from Uzbekistan and into Afghanistan.                                                           Towershot of my plane ready to depart. Looks kinda smoggy from here.

Weather cleared when getting underway. Lovely mountain picture there Smith.                   And arriving at the highland platform where Kabul lies.

Runway in sight. No desturbing wind this time, so It´s a walk in the park.                                       Looks more like a taxiway than a runway this, but It should be right.... I hope.

Is it only me, or does place look a little crowded, very close to the runway.                              And even more so on the taxiway. And I mean ON the taxiway. Houses on the strip. What the *BEEP* is that? 

Luckily I submitted my scores on the runway - before taxiing to the gate, because when I tried to turn right, to get by the house on the taxiway - my wingtip got too close and I got a "buildingcrash".

Plane was down safe though, and nothing happened to the crew.

Smith had already rated me though, and this is the result:

Landing Score:122,65 (Well, again 120+ , after all those 40-50 landingscores, this feels good.)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight Score:133,11 (Many many things to improve on!)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2745
Posted Monday, November 24, 2008 12:15:33 AM

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Leg 28:

OAKB (Kabul - Afghanistan) to OPRN (Islamabad - Pakistan)

One very short flight, only 200 NM, so I went ahead in my learjet for this one. Jeff Piston took off a little later to bring the ´737 to Pakistan for me. But Smith and I went in the Lear.

One morning in November 2008 a Learjet started up with two men inside....                        And the taxiway was still blocked by houses and  - trees....

Shaken by the groundconditions, the air seemed so bright and all ours...                           Even Smith seemed to smile from getting ahead.

But our smiles faltered quickly when closing in on Islamabad. The weather                         ZeroviZ once  again seemed to be the perfect name for this flight....

But luckily - down we came and even pretty fair - at least that´s what I think...                 Smith and I argued all the way to the gates about the landing.

But al always - Smith has the final word.

Leg 28:


OAKB (Kabul - Afghanistan) to OPRN (Islamabad - Pakistan)


Landing Score: 91,59 (Days of triple digit landingscores in the Learjet seems to be over - *sigh!*)


Landing included the following problems:

  • Ballooning during landing - needs practice.


Flight Score: 121,07 (And the flightscore is not as good as I feel - unfortunatly)


Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2797
Posted Monday, November 24, 2008 12:57:19 AM

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Leg 29:

OPRN (Islamabad - Pakistan) to VIDP (Delhi - India)

I can feel the "London-effect" now. The feeling of getting very close to the next stop. To the end of the second quarter ot the WWT. Only two more legs and I will be halfway around the world, and halfway through the WWT. An amazing feeling. So Smith and I was in high spirits when we decided to use the 737 again for this leg.

 Once again we start in lousy weather conditions. The airport was IFR only, and we complied.  Quickly we gathered altitude and went towards India - the land of tea.

For some time Smith was grumpy because he couldn´t take a decent picture.                     But things cleared some in India.

India is much more green than I thought. Looks almost like Danmark in the summertime.       But is isn´t, and our only concern right now, it to land the 737 safely, and put the Champagne in the fridge - for Nepal.

And sure thing. I managed to level the wings and we bumped down -                                    and taxied safely to the crowded gates. One down - one more to go!

Smith? I eagerly await your verdict.

Landing Score:122,65 (Jolly - looks good on my 737 review to Mr. R.Ichman)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight Score:131,14 (And this one too. Thank you Smith. I am not unhappy with this... )

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2798
Posted Monday, November 24, 2008 1:16:51 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Leg 30:

VIDP (Delhi - India) to VNKT (Kathmandu - Nepal)

Aah Nepal - home of the highest point on the earth, Home of friendly munks, and of Yak oxes. I coulden´t wait to get there. Also because it would mean a little vacation again. Maybe do a little mountain climbing - who knows. My highly insulated gloves are ready...

As the last coulpe of flight have shown, the weather in this part of the world is not always great, and the next flight had a NON-ILS landing in the end, so I must admit that I worried a little. Smith too seemed to be a little frowned when we settled down in the seats of the 737, for the first NON-ILS leg in this plane. But there has to be a first time for everything, so we waved goodbye to the Indians, and headed for the NON-ILS airport in Kathmandu -Nepal - at 4300 feet. God help us Smith.

Either I have Smiths glasses on, or the visibility still equals a bowl of soup.                      But God hates a coward, so we pushed back and pushed on. As Eddie Murphy once said: "Viva Nepal"

Do you see the runway Smith? Oh there it is. Thank you very much.                                  In the air - I hope they haven´t built a tall building here...

But we went safely to cruisehight, and headed for the big mountains.                                   See Smith - I told you there would be mountains.

Our GPS brought us to the destination - now oldfashioned NON-ILS skills should take us down.  We made it - but did I make it good?

I´m heading down the Atlaantaa highwaaay - to qoute the B-52´s, or in this case, the Nepalese taxiway.   Park the seven-three-seven Smith - will you?

And even before posting Smiths scores, I have to yell it out. I DID GREAT on the NON-ILS Best NON-ILS landing ever. What a great ending to a quarter. Hit me Smith.

Landing Score:133,65 (for a NON-ILS landing - I am proud to the core - I know better can be done, but I don´t give a rat - I love me)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Definite room for improvement...

    Flight Score:135,10 (and an average flightscore to go with it. All in all this will up my average, so I smile and smile and smile)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Throttle and brakes during taxi - bad for many systems.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2799
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