Features of FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 AND Cessna 172 Edition

for X-Plane 10
Cessna 172 Edition
FSFlyingSchool 2018
for X-Plane 11 and 10
DEMO of Robin DR401 CDI 155 (Aerobask) Detail Pack!

Pilots can now enjoy extra detailed instruction in this fascinating aircraft. Mr Smith will teach you how to fly this exciting aircraft like an expert. And the best part is that the super-detailed add-on aircraft needed to use the detail pack is FREE from Aerobask!

DEMO of Douglas DC-3 Detail Pack!

Lovers of classic aircraft are heading for the new, add-on Douglas DC-3 Detail Pack. Your chief instructor Mr Smith will teach you how to handle this truly iconic aircraft like a PRO. She's a classic and deserves to be flown the right way - here's your chance.

DEMO of Cherokee 140 Detail Pack!

Pilots now have the option to get the new, add-on Cherokee 140 Detail Pack. Your chief instructor Mr Smith will soon have you handling this classic Piper aircraft like an expert. It's time to learn how to fly this famous airplane as it is meant to be done.

DEMO of Beechcraft Baron 58 Detail Pack!

With the new, optional add-on Baron 58 Detail Pack, your chief instructor Mr Smith will soon have you flying this exciting twin engined aircraft like a PRO. Fans of the X-Plane Baron 58 and the Carenado Baron 58 will get all the details on how to fly the beautiful Baron the right way!

Navigator Pack!

Get ready to become an expert at understanding and following flight plans - your chief instructor Mr Smith can help in X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 10 with the new built-in Navigator Pack!

There's more - The Navigator Pack also contains the new Taxiway Tips feature! See below for details.

It's time to share your flight plans with your instructor! We all know that a flight is so much more interesting, realistic and challenging when a flight plan is filed and now it's time to load your flight plan into FSFlyingSchool as part of your pre-flight preparation. Your chief instructor Mr Smith will help you master flying flight plans correctly in X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 10.

Mr Smith is used with the Navigator Pack
He's your chief instructor and he's the one with navigation expertise, ready to give helpful tips, updates, instrument readings, monitor your flight plan navigation skills and so much more!

Flight Plan Files
The Navigator Pack reads the standard format FMS flight plan files popular with X-Plane pilots. This is the format used by X-Plane GPSs and many other flight planners.

Interactive Flight Plan Advice is optional
If you want to hear it, turn on the 'Flight Plan Advice' option at the Pilots Screen of FSFlyingSchool. You'll hear your instructor describing the flight plan and giving instruction and advice on it.

Real Airport Data
The new 'Real Airport Data' button at the Flight Plan Page will open a browser containing detailed real world information about your destination airport with links to lots of useful resources from the splendid SkyVector website for all airports and also the excellent AirNav website for U.S. airports.

Get all the automatic details and help from your instructor including:
- Flight plan distance remaining
- Flight plan time remaining
- Waypoint radio frequency
- Course to a VOR
- Waypoint distance
- Course to an NDB
- Time to waypoint
- Fuel to destination
- Descent rate to destination
- Gross weight
- Visibility and wind
- NAV1 current NAVAID
- Ground speed
- Above ground level
- ...and a lot more!

VORs - NDBs - Fixes - Waypoints
Master VOR and NDB navigation by asking chief instructor Mr Smith to give automatic advice on tuning and using these NAVAIDs at flight plan waypoints. Get help navigating waypoints in a flight plan by having your chief instructor Mr Smith announce them before you reach them. He'll tell you what they are and advise you on the turn you'll need to make when you get there. You'll become an expert in flying flight plans correctly by having chief instructor Mr Smith advise you along each leg of the plan with information updated in real time as you fly your flight plan.

Mr Smith is used with Taxiway Tips
As your chief instructor, he's the one who explains signs, markings, lights and more!

Taxiway and runway tutorial advice is optional
If you want to hear this advice, turn on the 'Taxiway Tips' option at the Settings Screen of FSFlyingSchool.

Get ready to learn - here are some of the taxiway and runway subjects Mr Smith will explain to you
- Runway holding positions
- ILS critical area boundaries
- Blue taxiway lighting
- Chevrons on a surface aligned with the end of a runway
- Red runway lighting
- Green taxiway lighting
- Location signs
- Runway starter extensions
- Destination signs
- Yellow runway lighting
- Direction signs
- Boundaries between movement and non-movement areas
- ...and a lot more!

All Taxiway Tips tutorial advice is in taxi mode and at airports with modern taxiways
You'll get tutorial advice on taxiways, runways, markings, lights and more when you are at an airport with modern taxiways. Our pilots explained to us that they don't want to get this advice when they are bush flying or at a tiny grass strip airport! Furthermore, Mr Smith knows pilots want advice on taxiing when they are taxiing, so you will get this when your flight mode is 'taxiing' and not in any other flight mode. In order to avoid these tips sounding repetitive, they are chosen randomly so you won't keep hearing the same advice as you start each flight.
Autopilot Tutor!

Get ready to learn about the autopilot and its functions - your chief instructor Mr Smith can help in XPlane 11 and X-Plane 10 with the new built-in Autopilot Tutor Pack!.
Autopilot units are common nowadays and can save the pilot a great deal of effort when used correctly. Your chief instructor Mr Smith will help you master the autopilot in X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 10.

Mr Smith is used with Autopilot Tutor
As your chief instructor, he's the one with autopilot expertise, ready to give tips, monitor your autopilot skills and so much more!

Autopilot Units
The Autopilot Tutor Pack has been developed using the autopilot units supplied with X-Plane. Other units may also work well with the Autopilot Tutor Pack, but some will not. Simply try out the Autopilot Tutor Pack by flying FSFlyingSchool within the free demo area.

Interactive Autopilot advice is optional
If you want to hear it, turn on the 'Monitor Autopilot' option at the Pilots Screen of FSFlyingSchool. You'll hear your instructor describing the autopilot and giving instruction and advice on it, including:
- Autothrottle
- Speed hold
- Speed Selection
- Heading Hold
- Heading Selection
- Altitude Hold
- Altitude Selection
- Vertical Speed Selection
- Autopilot Master
- NAV Hold

Autopilot areas where Mr Smith will help
- Autopilot speed selected too high - above vNE (never exceed speed) for aircraft
- Advice on having descended to within 1,000 feet of target altitude
- When autothrottle is on - you can now set a speed to hold
- Approach hold can only hold approach if speed is appropriate
- Autopilot speed selected is below landing configuration stall speed - you need to increase it
- Altitude selected is under 500 feet above destination runway - caution
- Advice on having climbed within 1,000 feet of target altitude
- Be sure autopilot altitude value is at or below service ceiling
- If vertical speed selected is rapid descent - it can be uncomfortable and lead to flying too fast
- Altitude selected is under 500 feet above surface currently beneath aircraft - caution
- Autopilot speed selected too high - must be below 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
- Autopilot is on so it will control the aircraft - you need to monitor and control the autopilot
- Altitude selected is very near the elevation of destination runway - caution
- If vertical speed selected is rapid climb - it can lead to a stall - watch airspeed
- Autopilot speed selected is below stall speed - caution
- If vertical speed is very low it can waste fuel and may conflict with ATC requirements
- Autopilot disengaged - you control the aircraft
- Descent to altitude selected would make contact with surface currently beneath aircraft - caution
- Autopilot speed selected is below flaps up stall speed - you will need flaps
- Advice on having reached target altitude
- ...and so much more!

Autopilot tutorial advice is optional
If you want to hear this general advice, turn on the 'Autopilot Tips' option at the Settings Screen of FSFlyingSchool. Chief instructor Mr Smith will give you general instruction on the autopilot unit and more when you are flying during quieter periods. In order to avoid these tips sounding repetitive, they are chosen randomly so you won't keep hearing the same advice each flight.

Get ready to learn - here are some of the areas Mr Smith will explain to you
- Intersecting the ILS glideslope from below
- How to slow down to a target speed
- Disengaging autopilot (or not) before landing
- Speed management required to keep on glideslope
- Importance of correcting drifting heading indicator
- Wasted turns through poor use of heading bug
- Immediate firm control of aircraft after autopilot is disengaged
- Disengaging autopilot if flight path is not right
- ...and a lot more!
Enhanced Instructor Awareness!

We have once again made several incremental improvements to FSFlyingSchool, including new areas requiring the pilot's attention.
Mr Smith, the chief instructor, is looking at each pilot's performance in even greater detail with the arrival of FSFlyingSchool 2018. Here are some of the enhancements:

- Mr Smith has always advised that your flight controls be checked before flights. In addition, he will now expect you to specifically check the free and correct function of your elevator, ailerons and rudder.
- Your instructor will advise you that if your aircraft has been stored for a long time you need to check for damage or obstructions caused by insects and birds.
- In cold weather, Mr Smith will remind you that frost on the wings can prevent the aircraft from becoming airborne.
- Shortly after entering cruise mode, you'll hear comments from Mr Smith on your success or failure in checking your elevator, ailerons and rudder before take off. Let's develop good habits.
- If you're in the kind of aircraft that has a 'run-up' procedure, Mr Smith will point that out and expect it to be done before take off. You'll be hearing from him later if you don't.
- Mr Smith will remind you to fully extend and retract your flaps before take off to check their correct function. You'll hear his feedback on this so let's get it done.
- You'll be reminded, when climbing on warm days, that steep climbs can lead to overheating - so be careful out there.
- Familiar with displaced thresholds? Mr Smith will remind you to land beyond any red lights preceeding the runway.
- Even without lights you'll be told to land beyond the displaced threshold. Mr Smith can see it - can you?
- You'll get timely advice about taxiway edge lighting (blue), runway edge and center line lights (white), red lights marking the far end of the runway and green lights across runway indicating its start.
- And more...!
Get ready to learn about temperature, wet runways, dew point and much more - including interactive crosswind instruction! Look at the features the NEW INCLUDED 'Weather Tutor Pack' adds to FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 AND 10:

Weather plays a key part in aviation and a thorough knowledge of weather and its effects is an essential part of every pilot's studies. Now your chief instructor Mr Smith can help in X-Plane.

Mr Smith is the man for Weather Tutor
As your chief instructor, he's the one who explains temperature, elevation, dew point, precipitation, crosswind techniques and more!

Interactive weather advice is optional
If you want to hear it, turn on the 'Monitor Weather' option at the Pilots Screen of FSFlyingSchool. You'll hear your instructor describing the current weather and giving instruction and advice on it.

Interactive crosswind advice is optional
If you want to hear it, turn on the 'Monitor Crosswinds' option at the Pilots Screen of FSFlyingSchool. You'll hear crosswind take off and landing instruction right when you need it!

Weather and crosswind tutorial advice is optional
If you want to hear this advice, turn on the 'Weather Tips' option at the Settings Screen of FSFlyingSchool. Chief instructor Mr Smith will give you general instruction on weather and more when you are flying during quieter periods. In order to avoid these tips sounding repetitive, they are chosen randomly so you won't keep hearing the same advice each flight. A great way to learn - and all while cruising along!

Get ready to learn - here are some of the areas Mr Smith will explain to you:
(Note that in addition to weather, the Weather Tutor covers several bonus subjects that are not strictly weather but still essential to safe flight.)
- Effects of temperature-dew point spread
- Considerations when flying in low light
- Considerations when flying in low visibility
- Considerations when flying in the presence of clouds
- Considerations when flying in low temperatures
- Crosswind landing technique
- Crosswind take-off technique
- Crosswind take-off roll aileron use
- Crosswind landing roll aileron use
- Take-off from a high elevation
- Landing at a high elevation
- Take-off at a high temperature
- Landing at a high temperature
- Take-off from a wet grass runway
- Take-off from a dry grass runway
- Landing at a wet grass runway
- Landing at a dry grass runway
- Landing at a wet paved runway
- ...and a lot more!
A powerful collection of add-on features for FSFlyingSchool including interactive VOR navigation instruction! Look at the features the NEW INCLUDED 'PRO Pack' adds to FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10:

- Interactive Help with VOR Navigation
--- Instructor monitors VOR instruments in aircraft.
--- Instructor offers detailed advice and tips on how to navigate with VORs.
--- Learn about: TO/FROM/OFF flag, Omni Bearing Selector (OBS), Course Deviation Indicator (CDI).
--- Get information as you fly, change settings and as the instruments react to your flight path.
--- Instructor describes at length the aspects of different elements of VOR navigation as you fly along.
--- If you approach and cross a VOR station, instructor describes what to expect instruments to do.
--- You'll soon be a VOR navigation PRO!

- Enhanced Instructor Awareness - instructor is watching even closer:
--- Instructor watches for parking brake set at correct times.
--- Advice when coming in too fast for a landing to slow down or go-around.
--- Instructor requires throttles to be operated smoothly.
--- Advice to slow to a taxi speed soon after landing to clear for next arrival.
--- Advice to accelerate promptly when taking off so as not to waste runway.
--- Reminders to get going if on runway for excessive time for take off.
--- Warning if not heading into wind when on final approach.
--- Advice for steering problems on take-off run.
--- Reminder to use flaps if appropriate for take off.
--- Reminder to disengage autopilot while on the ground.
--- Advice not to run throttles high while on ground with parking brake set.
--- And more!

- Instant Help
--- Spoken help on aircraft instruments, switches and controls when they are used during flights.
--- Instant spoken help you can use immediately while flying in X-Plane.
--- Adds a whole new level of fun and learning to your flights with X-Plane.
--- You hear and see help and tips for controls, instruments and switches immediately in flight!
--- Help when you use COM radios, NAV radios, autopilot functions like heading hold, speed hold...
--- Help when you use altitude hold, spoilers, autobrakes, gear, lights, pitot heat and so much more.
--- Use some help up there in the Simulated Skies? Get familiar with those switches, dials, buttons etc.
--- Listen and learn as a friendly instructor explains the role of the device you operated.
--- Help is given immediately, in real time, with optional text captions so you can read the advice too.
--- Once you operate a device, you won't hear the explanation again for a while - avoids repetition.
--- Optionally turn off the voice completely and use the text captions for reference during your flights.
--- Alternatively, you can turn off the captions and just listen to the voice of the instructor.
--- Configure the FSFlyingSchool Instant Help option the way you want it!

- Interactive Aviation Help
--- During flights, instructor shares detailed aviation knowledge with you.
--- Subjects include cockpit instruments, controls, techniques and much more.
--- With chief instructor Mr Smith's help you will soon be familiar with:
--- Flaps
--- Mixture
--- PAPI
--- VORs
--- Turn technique
--- VASI
--- Stall recovery
--- Autopilot speed hold
--- Autopilot heading hold
--- Autopilot altitude hold
--- Autothrottle
--- Transponder use and codes
--- Crossfeeds
--- Speedbrake
--- Fuel pumps
--- Carburetor heat
--- Spoilers
--- Anti-ice
--- Decision height ...and dozens more aviation subjects.
--- Includes optional text captions so you can read the advice too.
--- A great way to learn - and all while cruising along!
Supports: Cessna 172 Skyhawk at Detailed Level! Yes Yes
Supports: Cessna 208 Caravan at Detailed Level! No Yes
Aerobask Eclipse 550 NG - New
Aerobask Epic E1000 Skyview - New
Aerobask Lisa Airplanes Akoya (land based operations only) - New
Aerobask Velocity V-Twin - New
McDonnell Douglas MD 82 (Supplied with X-Plane 11) - New
Boeing 737-800 (general support) - New
Carenado Beechcraft King Air B200 (for X-Plane 11) - New
Carenado Beechcraft King Air C90 (for X-Plane 11) - New
Cirrus SF50 (Supplied with X-Plane 11) - New
vFlyteAir Cirrus SR20 - New
vFlyteAir Piper PA-28 Arrow 200 - New
vFlyteAir Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140 - New
Beechcraft Baron 58 (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Beechcraft King Air B200 (Details in manual)
Beechcraft King Air C90B (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Boeing 747-400 (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Boeing 777 Worldliner by VMAX
Boeing 777-200 (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Boeing 787 Dreamliner by VMAX
Carenado Beechcraft Baron 58
Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza F33A
Carenado Beechcraft King Air C90B
Carenado Cessna 152 II
Carenado Cessna 208B Caravan (supported at 'Detail Pack' level)
Carenado Cessna c172 (supported at 'Detail Pack' level)
Carenado Cessna C337 Skymaster
Carenado Cessna C340 II
Carenado Cessna CT210 Centurion II
Carenado Mooney M20J
Carenado Piper PA-28 Archer II
Carenado Piper PA-32 Saratoga
Carenado Piper PA-34 Seneca II
Cirrus C4 'The Jet' (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Columbia 400 (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Diamond DA40-180 (Shade Tree Micro Aviation)
Lockheed C-130 Hercules (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Lockheed L-1011 TriStar (Wilson Aircraft)
MD KC-10 Extender (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
Piaggio P180 Avanti Ferrari (Supplied with X-Plane 10)
X-Plane 10 Cessna c172 (supported at 'Detail Pack' level)
No Yes
Works with X-Plane 11 for Microsoft WindowsNoYes
Works with X-Plane 10 for Microsoft WindowsYesYes
Google Flight Mapping . View a map of your flight route and even share with friends!YesYes
Team of 3 talking Flight Instructors, with optional text captions displayed in X-PlaneYesYes
Scoring system rates all phases of flight: taxi, take off, cruise, approach, landing & moreYesYes
Fly anywhere in the world with an instructorYesYes
Easy to use! Land anywhere you like and your instructors will know which runway you have chosen. Just get lined up with a runway ahead of you when you descend in landing mode. The instructor will look ahead, figure which runway you are heading for and announce where you are going to land. YesYes
Instructor knows which runway you are taking off from. Instructor will comment and give advice on the runway you have selected. YesYes
Instructor knows which runway you are landing at. Even without ILS, and will give advice on how to land. YesYes
No need to land on a fixed point on the runway. Any reasonable landing on a runway will get a reasonable score. YesYes
Spoken Teaching Tips. Option so that FSFlyingSchool will speak a series of helpful tips when you fly. Tips are always in the same voice and are clearly different from a normal 'instructor' voice. These tips are like training wheels on a bicycle and are telling you how to use FSFlyingSchool and X-Plane itself. Once you have got the basics of these operations down, you may wish to turn these basic tips off. YesYes
Friendly scoring system. Rewards all flights which were basically safe - higher scores require plenty of skill. If you can walk away from your landing - you will get a score. If you crash - you will not! YesYes
Numerical data added to log book. Shows details of flight performance, such as landing speed, distance from threshold, approach accuracy and more. YesYes
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for X-Plane 10
Cessna 172 Edition
FSFlyingSchool 2018
for X-Plane 11 and 10
Unique Career Analyzer graphs over 70 areas of airmanshipYesYes
Pilot Briefing Tool analyzes all flights to find patterns of performance which need improvementYesYes
Option to monitor correct use of aircraft lightsYesYes
Instructors give additional warnings before mistakes are madeYesYes
Instructors have many helpful and entertaining phrasesYesYes
Enhanced HelpYesYes
Option to monitor correct use of aircraft enginesYesYes
Instructor reports distance from DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) navigation aidYesYes
Multiple instructors with different personalities, genders and nationalitiesYesYes
Link to real world airport data on webYesYes
Instructor reports runway length, altitude and surface type when on approachYesYes
Log Book statistics are totalled for easy reviewYesYes
Optional Voice Command Pack allows the pilot to talk to the InstructorYesYes
Flight scores tracked in detail in your own FSFlyingSchool logbookYesYes
FSFlyingSchool web site hosts top scores tablesYesYes
Detailed scoring of your performance - not a simple summaryYesYes
Instant tests of your airmanship - just ask the instructorYesYes
Detailed Cessna 172 advice during 'Starting and Takeoff':
  • Shortly after flight starts on ground with master battery on
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
  • Engine start attempted and throttle not correctly set
    - Advice that throttle should be open about 1/4 inch when starting.
  • Engine start attempted and parking brake not set
    - Warning that parking brake must be set when starting the engine.
  • Engine start attempted with master battery switch off
    - Advice that the master battery switch must be on when starting the engine.
  • Engine start attempted with fuel pump off
    - Advice that the fuel pump must be on when starting the engine.
  • Engine start attempted with fuel shut off
    - Advice that the fuel shut off must be pushed in so that fuel is not cut off when starting the engine.
  • Shortly after moving in taxi mode
    - Advice on which instruments and systems should be checked during taxiing.
  • In takeoff mode with more than 10 degrees of flaps
    - Warning that you have too much flaps set and that you should use no more than 10 degrees.
  • In takeoff mode and on ground with autopilot on
    - Warning that autopilot must be off during takeoff.
  • Shortly after beginning takeoff
    - Advice to move throttle smoothly up to full.
  • Shortly after beginning takeoff
    - Advice that the nose wheel can be lifted at 55 KIAS.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Reminder that this aircraft's 'vX' (Best Angle of Climb Speed) is 62 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to clear runway obstacles or to lift off from a soft field quickly.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Reminder that this aircraft's 'vY' (Best Rate of Climb Speed) is 74 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to climb after takeoff in normal operations.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Reminder that in this aircraft you should normally turn with a 20 degree bank and when doing so you will want to rollout about 20 degrees before your desired heading.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Advice that if you encounter heavy turbulence you need to be at or below manoeuvring speed ('vA') and to remember that this will decrease as you burn fuel.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Advice to use right rudder to correct for any unwanted yawing to the left caused by P factor and torque.
  • Entering cruise mode
    - Advice to cruise between 2100 and 2700 RPM and to lean the mixture above 3000 feet MSL to obtain maximum RPM.
Detailed Cessna 172 advice during 'Descent and Landing':
  • Descending and below maximum flap speed while landing
    - Advice that once below 110 KIAS the pilot may use 10 degrees of flaps.
    - Advice that once below 85 KIAS the pilot may use more than 10 degrees (15 to 30 degrees) of flaps.
  • Descending and decelerating to maximum flap speed while landing
    - Advice that once below 110 KIAS the pilot may use 10 degrees of flaps.
  • Descent to around 1000 feet AGL while landing with autopilot on
    - Warning to disengage the autopilot below 1000 feet during an approach in this aircraft.
  • Descent to around 600 feet AGL while landing
    - Advice to use pitch to control airspeed and power to control rate of descent during approach and landing.
  • Descent to around 500 feet AGL while landing
    - Advice that you typically want to land with 30 degrees flaps, 1900 RPM and 65 knots IAS.
  • Descent to around 400 feet AGL while landing
    - Reminder to flare at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway and to lift the nose about 10 degrees.
  • Descent to around 300 feet AGL while landing
    - Reminder that at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway you should reduce power to idle and flare.
Detailed Cessna 172 General Warnings and Advice:
  • Fuel shut off at inappropriate time
    - Advice that normal operation requires the fuel shut off to be pushed in so that fuel is not cut off.
  • Engine fire and fuel not shut off
    - Warning that fuel should be shut off immediately.
  • Loss of engine while airborne
    - Advice that the best glide speed in this aircraft is 68 KIAS.
  • Engine fire started
    - Warning that the engine is on fire.
  • Shortly after engine has started
    - Reminder to check the oil pressure.
  • Shortly after engine has started and fuel pump on
    - Advice to turn fuel pump off.
  • Not in cruise mode and fuel selector is set to left or right
    - Advice that this is the wrong setting. You should change it to 'both'.
  • Engine is off and the aircraft is on the ground and fuel selector is on 'both'
    - Advice to set selector to left or right to prevent cross-feeding, unless you are about to start the engine.
  • Speed approaching vNO
    - Reminder that you need smooth air to fly into the yellow arc on your ASI, above 129 KIAS which is 'vNO' (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed) for this aircraft.
  • Speed approaching vNE
    - Warning that you are close to exceeding 163 KIAS which is 'vNE' (Never Exceed Speed) for this aircraft.
  • Decreasing speed approaching vSO
    - Warning that stall speed with full flaps is 40 KIAS which is 'vSO' (Stalling Speed in Landing Configuration) for this aircraft.
  • Decreasing speed approaching vS
    - Warning that stall speed with flaps up is 48 KIAS which is 'vS' (Stalling Speed with Flaps Up) for this aircraft.
  • Left or right fuel level is low
    - Warning that one or both fuel tanks are getting low and you may wish to consider your refuelling options.
  • Flaps down and flying too fast for any flaps
    - Advice that once below 110 KIAS the pilot may use 10 degrees of flaps.
  • Flaps down and flying too fast for that particular flaps setting
    - Advice that once below 85 KIAS the pilot may use more than 10 degrees (15 to 30 degrees) of flaps.
  • Master battery switched on
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
  • Master battery on and fuel level getting low
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full as fuel falls below 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% and 3%.
Detailed Cessna 208 advice during 'Starting and Takeoff':
  • Shortly after flight starts on ground with master battery on
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
  • Engine start attempted and power lever not correctly set
    - Advice that power lever should be idle when starting.
  • Engine start attempted and parking brake not set
    - Warning that parking brake must be set when starting the engine.
  • Engine start attempted with master battery switch off
    - Advice that the master battery switch must be on when starting the engine.
  • Shortly after moving in taxi mode
    - Advice on which instruments and systems should be checked during taxiing.
  • In takeoff mode without flaps set
    - Warning that you must have take off flaps set at 20 degrees.
  • In takeoff mode with more than 20 degrees of flaps
    - Warning that you have too much flaps set and that you should use no more than 20 degrees.
  • In takeoff mode and on ground with autopilot on
    - Warning that autopilot must be off during takeoff.
  • Shortly after beginning takeoff
    - Advice to move throttle smoothly up to 1900 RPM.
  • Shortly after beginning takeoff
    - Advice that the nose wheel can be lifted at 73 KIAS.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Reminder that this aircraft's 'vX' (Best Angle of Climb Speed) is 72 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to clear runway obstacles or to lift off from a soft field quickly.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Reminder that this aircraft's 'vY' (Best Rate of Climb Speed) is 104 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to climb after takeoff in normal operations.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Advice that if you encounter heavy turbulence you need to be at or below manoeuvring speed ('vA') and to remember that this will decrease as you burn fuel.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Advice to use right rudder to correct for any unwanted yawing to the left caused by P factor and torque.
  • Shortly after takeoff
    - Advice to get take-off flaps retracted.
  • Entering cruise climb
    - Advice to climb between 1600 and 1900 RPM.
Detailed Cessna 208 advice during 'Descent and Landing':
  • Descending and below maximum flap speed while landing
    - Advice that once below 175 KIAS the pilot may start to lower flaps.
  • Descending to landing and fuel condition lever not set
    - Advice that fuel condition lever must be at low idle for descent to landing.
  • Descending and decelerating to maximum flap speed while landing
    - Advice that once below 175 KIAS the pilot may start to lower flaps.
  • Descending and decelerating to 150 KIAS while landing
    - Advice that once below 150 KIAS the pilot may start to lower 20 degrees of flaps.
  • Descending and decelerating to 125 KIAS while landing
    - Advice that once below 125 KIAS the pilot may start to lower full flaps.
  • Descent to around 1000 feet AGL while landing with autopilot on
    - Warning to disengage the autopilot below 1000 feet during an approach in this aircraft.
  • Descent to around 600 feet AGL while landing
    - Advice to use pitch to control airspeed and power to control rate of descent during approach and landing.
  • Descent to around 500 feet AGL while landing
    - Advice that you want to land with landing flaps (full flaps) at 80 knots IAS.
  • Descent to around 400 feet AGL while landing
    - Reminder to flare at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway and to lift the nose to land on your main gear first, lower the nose wheel gently and use minimum braking required.
  • Descent to around 300 feet AGL while landing
    - Reminder that at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway you should reduce power to idle and flare.
Detailed Cessna 208 General Warnings and Advice:
  • Loss of engine while airborne
    - Advice that the best glide speed in this aircraft is 95 KIAS.
  • Shortly after engine has started
    - Reminder to check the oil pressure.
  • Speed approaching vNO
    - Reminder that you need smooth air to fly above 'vNO' (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed) which is 140 knots for this aircraft.
  • Speed approaching vNE
    - Warning that you are close to exceeding 175 KIAS which is 'vNE' (Never Exceed Speed) for this aircraft.
  • Decreasing speed approaching vSO
    - Warning that stall speed with full flaps is 50 KIAS which is 'vSO' (Stalling Speed in Landing Configuration) for this aircraft.
  • Decreasing speed approaching vS
    - Warning that stall speed with flaps up is 63 KIAS which is 'vS' (Stalling Speed with Flaps Up) for this aircraft.
  • Left or right fuel level is low
    - Warning that one or both fuel tanks are getting low and you may wish to consider your refuelling options.
  • Flaps down and flying too fast for any flaps
    - Advice that once below 175 KIAS the pilot may use 10 degrees of flaps.
  • Master battery switched on
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
  • Master battery on and fuel level getting low
    - Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full as fuel falls below 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% and 3%.
  • Engine running and generator off
    - Reminder to turn generator on.
  • Engine running and avionics master switch off
    - Reminder to turn avionics master switch on.
  • Fuel condition lever too high when taxiing
    - Advice to set fuel condition lever to low idle.
  • Pitot heat off and not taxiing and OAT below 4 degrees C
    - Reminder to use pitot heat when OAT (outside air temperature) is below 4 degrees C.
  • Pitot heat on and taxiing or OAT not below 4 degrees C]
    - Reminder to turn off pitot heat when taxiing or when OAT (outside air temperature) is at or above 4 degrees C.
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